( Javor od Krnića iz Džakova & Ch Tarasov's Elganza at Ninochka's )
Photo credit: Vida Klenovšek - Petiit Pethaus

SLO: S ponosom predstavljamo: Zoya je naša nova "Zvezdica" - na štirih razstavah je trikrat osvojila naslov prvak razreda mladih in enkrat 2.mesto. S tem je izpolnila pogoje in postala Slovenski mladinski prav v lepoti, v starosti dobrih 12 mesecev :-). Ni samo razstavna zvezdica, ampak tudi psička z čudovitim karakterjem in veseljem to razstav, sprehodov, coursinga ali crkljanja :-)
ENG: Proudly present : Zoya is our new "Star" - on 4 shows she achived 3 times first place ( winner of young class ) and one 2nd place. She finnished Slovenian Junior Champion title with only 12 months of age :-) But Zoya is not only show star - she is a gentle female with fantastic character - willing to enjoy on shows, walks, coursings or just beiing pet.
2 komentarja:
Congratulations! Zoya is really a wonderful borzoi! Big Hug, Vida.
Well done, Andreja! We're sure Zoya will give many many more reason to be proud of her.
Stef and Imelda
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