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Priprava na štart - preparation for start |
Drugi tek je bil za razliko od prvega, kjer je bila proga bolj odprta in hitra, postavljen v hrib - proga je bila bolj zaprta in tehnično zahtevna. Maksim je štartal kot 14 Luc pa kot 16. Maksim je zelo dobro opravim s progo, Luc pa je dan vse od sebe - vmes vklopil še akrobatske vložke- in z odličnim zaključkom požel glasen aplavz občinstva. Tudi sodniki so mu prisodili visoke ocene - tako, da je v skupni razvrstitvi poskočil kar za 17 mest, na skupno 11.mesto! Če gledamo samo točke drugega teka, pa je bil drugi najbolje ocenjeni samec. Maksim je svoj nastop končal na 28.mestu.
Ponosni smo na oba naša fanta, Darka tebi pa hvala za posnetke tekov !!
ENG: Sunday, June 29th was last day on European Lure Corsing Championship in Lavarone: It was 95 in catalogue - 45 males. Maksim and Luc were only Slovene borzois on start. Maksim start as second , Luc was on start in race 17 - together with Turgai's Jaltai. Luc was fast - even to fast so the first turn he need to go out of the field and he stayd behind. But he almost catch Jaltai at the end. jaltai was great in this race - finnished first run as 1st, while Maksim and Luc were together on 28th place.
Second run was more technical ( first one was more open )field. Maksim start as nr 14, and Luc as nr.16. Maksim was very good, but Luc gave all the best - from acrobatic elements to the perfect kill. He got applouse at the end and very high scores - so he jump for 17 places and finnished his first European Championship Lure Coursing at 11th place. Looking only 2nd run - he was second by points :-) Maksim finnished as 28th.
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