SLO: Letos je na Velikonočni vikend v Mariboru potekala mednarodna razstava. Mi smo prišli samo v soboto, ki je k sreči še prizanesla z dežjem. Sodnik je bil g. Branislav Rajić iz Slovenije, ki je imel v ringu 7 borzojev.
LUC - Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois je bil v razstavnem ringu ponovno po več kot pol leta - rezultat pa fantastičen.
CAC,CACIB in BOB ! Odlično se je odrezala tudi
Ninochka's Aurora Akoya at by H.R.I.B. - lastnik družina Hrženjak, ki je v razredu mladih osvojila
PRM in JBOB. Prijetna sobota z obilico dobre družbe se je zaključila v poznih popoldanskih urah.
ENG: Easter weekend was this year in cooperation with double CACIB Maribor show. We were there on Saturday, April 19th. Judge was Mr. Branislav Rajić from Slovenia, and had to judge 7 borzois.
Luc - Sunburst Lusid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois was in the show ring again - after more than six months: result wasw great !
Luc got CAC,CACIB &; BOB ! Excellent result also for young star
Ninochka's Aurora Akoya at by H.R.I.B. - owner Hrženjak fam. - she was
Winner of Junior class and JBOB ! It was nice Saturday with great company :-)
Left: Sunburts Lucid Dreat at Ninochka's Borsois: CAC,CACIB & BOB right: Grande Bretagne du Grand Fresnoy: CAC,CACIB, BOS foto: Razpotnik |
BIS - Group X: foto Darka Sukić |
Left: Ninochka's Aurora Akoya at by H.R.I.B. - PRM, JBOB ( fam. Hrženjak ) |
Luc in the ring: Photos credit: Igor Razpotnik |
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