Ninochka's Aurora Akoya at by H.R.I.B. at 15 months ( Ch Ninochka's Vihra & Multi Ch Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B ) |
SLO: Sredi meseca januarja je bila že tradicionalna - tokrat že 23. specialna razstava Slovenskega kluba za hrte. Po dolgih letih sem bila "samo" gledalec :-) Za odličen uspeh pa družini Hrženjak vse čestitke !! Bravo Zen,Bella in Akoya :-)
ENG: Traditional - 23rd Special Sighthound Show was in the middle of January. This year I was "only" observer :-) Congratulation to Family Hrženjak and to Zen, Bella and Akoya :-)
Multi Ch Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. winner of Champion class |
Best couple at show: Zen & Bella |
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