SLO: Po včerajšnji lepi in sončni soboti nas je pričakala oblačna in deževna nedelja. Pa nič zato, zgodaj smo se odpravili v Novo Vas na Blokah, kjer je potekal 2. državni CACL Coursing Slovenskega kluba za hrte. Na štartu se ni zbralo posebno veliko število hrtov - vendar smo ostali toliko bolj uživali. Sodnica iz Avstrije Helge Kronsteiner je postavila prvo progo malce lažjo in krajšo - druga pa je od hrtov že zahtevala kar precej kondicije. Vreme je bilo za coursing idelano, saj je prenehalo tudi deževati. Največji vtis so naredili mali italijanski hrti in whippeti - med borzoji pa sta se tekme udeležili samo Zoya & Veruschka, ki sta v drugem teku pokazali šolski primer, kako borzoji izvajajo coursing :-)
ENG: After sunny Saturday we woke up in a cloudy rainy Sunday. We didn't care, early in the morning we drove to Nova Vas - Bloke, where 2nd national CACL Coursing was held - organized by The Sighthound Club of Slovenia. It was not many Sighthounds on start - but we all enjoyed very much ! Mrs. Helge Kronsteiner from Austria was a Judge, and She made firts run quite eazy and short, but second run was much hardeer - and dogs need to show a lot of condition. It was perfect weather for coursing - even stop raining. The best performance was showed by Italian Greyhounds & whippets, among borzois only Zoya & Veruschka were on start. But they showed us "book" example of borzoi hunting coursing in second run! It was reall JOY to watch them :-)
ENG: After sunny Saturday we woke up in a cloudy rainy Sunday. We didn't care, early in the morning we drove to Nova Vas - Bloke, where 2nd national CACL Coursing was held - organized by The Sighthound Club of Slovenia. It was not many Sighthounds on start - but we all enjoyed very much ! Mrs. Helge Kronsteiner from Austria was a Judge, and She made firts run quite eazy and short, but second run was much hardeer - and dogs need to show a lot of condition. It was perfect weather for coursing - even stop raining. The best performance was showed by Italian Greyhounds & whippets, among borzois only Zoya & Veruschka were on start. But they showed us "book" example of borzoi hunting coursing in second run! It was reall JOY to watch them :-)
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