SLO: V nedeljo 6.9.2009 bo v Dolskem pri Ljubljani prvi mednarodni CACIL Coursing v Sloveniji. Prijavljenih je kar 58 tekmovalcev od tega 10 borzojev ! Več na http://www.hrti.si/
ENG: On Sunday 6.9.2009 will be 1st International CACIL Coursing in Slovenija - Dolsko by Ljubljana. 58 Sighthounds is entered - also 10 borzois ! You can read more at http://www.hrti.si/
2 komentarja:
WOW!!! Wonderfull! 10 borzois... did you enter someone or are you judging? Unfortunately I won't be there, I will be at CAC Savona in Italy that day, but have a wonderful time!!
hallo Marina, Zoya & Vihra will run for licence :-) we have 2 judges from abroad, no judging for me this time:-)) good luck in Savona! Andreja & co.
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