SLO: Hvala Vidi za poslane slike! Takole sta Zen in Veruša pozirala in uživala v družbi drug drugega, Vida pa je si je polnila baterije in skupaj z Verušo uživala kratke počitnice na Polzeli , pri družini Hrženjak. Smo vam kar zavidali :-)))))
Zenos je "mali" bratec naše Zoye. Fotografije so bile posnete v prelepem okolju graščine na Polzeli.
ENG: Thank you Vida for beautifull photos ! Zen & Verusha were enjoying each others company, while Vida refilled her battery. Together with Verusha were enjoying on short vacation on Polzela with family Hrženjak. Hmmm - very nice, we would like too :-)))
Zenos is "little" brother of our Zoya. Photos were taken in a beautiful place - small castle at Polzela.
Zenos je "mali" bratec naše Zoye. Fotografije so bile posnete v prelepem okolju graščine na Polzeli.
ENG: Thank you Vida for beautifull photos ! Zen & Verusha were enjoying each others company, while Vida refilled her battery. Together with Verusha were enjoying on short vacation on Polzela with family Hrženjak. Hmmm - very nice, we would like too :-)))
Zenos is "little" brother of our Zoya. Photos were taken in a beautiful place - small castle at Polzela.
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