23. december 2016


SLO:  Je postala že tradicija - decembra se udeležimo pohoda in teka Božičkov po parku Tivoli v Ljubljani. Tokrat je bila poleg tudi Cici :-)

ENG: It's already traditional.... Santa's Walk & Run in Ljubljana's park Tivoli. This year Cici was with us :-)

park TIVOLI, Ljubljana , december 2016

12. december 2016

Double CACIB show Wels 2016 - Luc is now Austrian Beauty Champion, too !

SLO: Odličen vikend za nami ! Uspešno razstavno - Luc zaključil avstrijsko prvaštvo z naslovom BOB pri sodniku iz Hrvaške - Tino Pehar, Cici je osvojila CAC, CACIB. V soboto je sodnica Eli Marie Klepp Lucu podelila CAC in R.CACIB, Cici je bila R.CAC v razredu vmesni.
Odlično vzdušje na razstavi in v Kremsmunstru - mestecu pod benediktanskim samostanom in čudoviti adventno okrasitvijo. Darka hvala za družbo :-)

ENG: Well - it was a GREAT weekend in Austria ! Double CACIB show in Wels got more than 5000 dogs in 2 days - and each day more than 20 borzois
Darka was my travel company this time and it was great ! Saturday show was judged by Eli-Marie Klepp from Norway : Ch Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois - Luc was getting CAC from working class and later R. CACIB. Ninochka's Creme de la Creme - Cici was in Intermediate class with R.CAC title. Next day - on Sunday, judge was Tino Pehar from Croatia: Luc winning from working class CAC,CACIB and BOB and he became Austrian Beauty Champion ! And Cici behave so much better than day before - she got CAC & CACIB from intermediate class ! Fantastic ! on the top we enjoyed a beautiful Kremsmunster with Benedictine Monastery and beautiful Advent decoration in the city. Really great weekend - thanks Darka  :-)

3. november 2016

Krompirjeve počitnice - finnaly week of :-)

SLO:  Pa so prišle krompirjeve počitnice in kar 9 dni prosto ;-)  Družine se je malce "razdelila " - polovica je odšla pobirat olive v Dalmacijo - druga polovica je ostala doma. Tako sva z Anžetom obiskala Ljubljanski maraton, Lucovega vnučka, ki je prispel v Slovenijo iz Švedske - predvsem pa smo v teh lepih jesenskih dneh hodili na sprehode - skoraj pohode, dolge po 10 km in več :D Odličen občutek, da spet lahko normalno hodim !

ENG: Finally some Holidays and 9 days off ;-) Our Family split a little - half went to Dalmatia to collect Olives, other half stayed at home.  Anže & me visit Ljubljana Marathon, little sweet puppy came from Sweden and it's Luc's Grandson. Buts most of all we walk long walks ( 10 km and more ) - enjoying this beautiful Autumn weather and colors of Nature . Such a great feeling that I am capable to walk again !

26. oktober 2016

2 x CACIB LIPICA 2016 - well done Cici !

SLO: Vikend 8. in 9.10 smo preživeli v Lipici. Sobota je bila mrzla in vetrovna, nedelja pa sončna - topla jesenska. Cici - Ninochka's Creme de la Creme je bila več kot uspešna ! Oba dni je dosegla CAC, CACIB, v soboto še BOS in Cruft's Qualification :-). Hvala sodnikova g. Bajiču iz Slovenije in g. Andrzeju KAziemirskemu iz Poljske za odlični oceni. Vsi smo uživali - otroka, pes, in seveda jaz - po DOLGEM času spet sposobna voditi in razstavljati psa v ringu.... Neprecenljivo❤️

ENG:  Well - this weekend ( 8 & 9.10. ) we were in famous Lipica stud farm. It was a weekend of double CACIB Shows and we took our Cici - Ninochka's Creme de la Creme on Show. Saturday was COLD and windy - not nice weather for outdoor show at all! But Cici was great, she got CAC, CACIB, BOS and Cruft's qualification!!! Judge was mr. Baič from Slovenia. Yes - not bad for 19 months old girl :-) Well prepared for winter we came back on Sunday - weather was a fairytale- like Autumn should be in Karst: sun, beautiful colors, a bit windy. Show was very crowded - but Cici didn't care: she went for CAC and CACIB under mr.Andrzej Kaziemirski from Poland. It was such a beautiful Sunday - we enjoyed walking around Lipica estate - beautiful nature and beautiful horses. Was GREAT weekend ❤️❤️❤️ specially that I could handled by myself ;-) again....

Some Updates :-)

SLO: glede na daljšo odsotnost zaradi bolniškega staleža  ( zaradi nesrečnega trka z Cici ), je potrebno kar nekaj "updatov"..... Hvala, ker nas še berete :-)

ENG:  long time absence because of sickness leave ( injury  at dog walk ) - now I have to do some updates ..... Thank you, that you still reading us :-)

12. september 2016

Vikend v lepoti in delu - Dolsko 2016 // Beauty and Performance winner DOLSKO 2016

SLO: to leto  pa je  bilo Dolsko nakaj posebnega ! Obisk drage prijateljice Sussi in njene hčerke Anne iz Švedske  je postavil še jagodo na vrhu torte :-)
Na razstavo so bili prijavljeni vsi trije: Ninochka's Creme de la Creme v razred vmesnih, CH Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois  v prvake in Ch Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. prvič v veterane. Sodnica je bila ga. Irina Korshunova  iz Rusije. HVALA vsem za pomoč, posebno pa Marini, Sussi in Vidi za pomoč pri razstavljanju !
Dan je bil resnično fantastičen: Cici je osvojila prvi CAC , Luc je osvojil CAC, Best male in BOB, Zoya je postaval vetran BOB in na koncu še BIS veteran ! Odlična razstava in vzdušje ! 
Čestitke tudi ostalim članom naše "družine ": Ch Ninochka's Veruschka, Ch Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B., Ninochka's Arabeska Akvamarin :-)

Naslednji dan je Cici prvič uradno tekla na coursingu - z Lucom sta se, kljub slabi kondiciji zelo dobro uvrstila:  Luc je bil 2 najboljši samec in skupno 6 - osvojil pa je tudi naslov prvaka v lepoti in delu, Cici pa je bila skupno 3 in 2 najboljša psica. ODLIČNO !

ENG : This Year Dolsko was something special ! Friends from Sweden came to visit us was just cream on top of cake .-)
On Show all 3 were present: Ninochka's Creme de la Creme in intermediate class, Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois in champion class and Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. first time in veteran class. Judge was mrs. Irina Korshunova from Russia. Thank you for all helo to my friends, special to Marina, Sussi and Vida for handling.
We had GREAT DAY!! Cici was CAC, Luc winning CAC, best male and BOB, Zoya was Vetaran BOB and later veteran BIS !!!
Congratulations to other members of our "family ": Ch Ninochka's Veruschka, Ch Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B., Ninochka's Arabeska Akvamarin :-) was so nice to see U :-)

Ch Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. & Ch Ninochka's Veruschka

Zoya winning veteran BOB

Ch Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois - BOB

Ch Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B.

Ninochka's Arabeska Akvamarin

Next day on coursing Luc was 2nd male and total placed as 6th and he also become Beauty & Performance winner for 2016 ! His Doughter Cici - her debut on Coursing field was FANTASTIC : winning 3rd place in total and was 2nd best female ! TOP WEEKEND !!!


Zoya winning veteran BIS

Ch Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois

Ninochka's Creme de la Creme

father & dougher - Dolsko 2016

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...