SLO: Vikend 8. in 9.10 smo preživeli v Lipici. Sobota je bila mrzla in vetrovna, nedelja pa sončna - topla jesenska. Cici - Ninochka's Creme de la Creme je bila več kot uspešna ! Oba dni je dosegla CAC, CACIB, v soboto še BOS in Cruft's Qualification :-). Hvala sodnikova g. Bajiču iz Slovenije in g. Andrzeju KAziemirskemu iz Poljske za odlični oceni. Vsi smo uživali - otroka, pes, in seveda jaz - po DOLGEM času spet sposobna voditi in razstavljati psa v ringu.... Neprecenljivo❤️
ENG: Well - this weekend ( 8 & 9.10. ) we were in famous Lipica stud
farm. It was a weekend of double CACIB Shows and we took our Cici -
Ninochka's Creme de la Creme on Show. Saturday was COLD and windy - not
nice weather for outdoor show at all! But Cici was great, she got CAC,
CACIB, BOS and Cruft's qualification!!! Judge was mr. Baič from
Slovenia. Yes - not bad for 19 months old girl :-)
Well prepared for winter we came back on Sunday - weather was a
fairytale- like Autumn should be in Karst: sun, beautiful colors, a bit
windy. Show was very crowded - but Cici didn't care: she went for CAC
and CACIB under mr.Andrzej Kaziemirski from Poland. It was such a
beautiful Sunday - we enjoyed walking around Lipica estate - beautiful
nature and beautiful horses. Was GREAT weekend ❤️❤️❤️ specially that I could handled by myself ;-) again....
*Andreja NOVAK, Podkogelj 4, 1315 Velike Lašče, SLOVENIJA,* WWW.HISKAMISKA.TOP borzoj,ruski hrt, borzoj, barzaia, borzoi, levriero russo, russisher windhund
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