Mednarodni prvak v lepoti, Mednarodni prvak v lepoti in delu, Mednarodni prvak v lure coursingu, Slovenski, Avstrijski in Hrvaški prvak v lepoti in Slovenski prvak v lure coursinmgu.
Sploh ne slabo za 5,5 let starega fanta ! Hvala Ana za slikice iz razstave in vsem prijateljem za prijetno nedeljsko druženje !
ENG: Hot day at CACIB Trieste. Luc ( in summer haircut ) was second in ch class after Apriory Nizhinskiy ( later BOB). Luc got R. Cacib under judge Perez Leyda from Columbia. But this r. Cacib is valid as cacib and he fulfilled conditions for international championship. Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois is now: international Beauty Champion, international beauty & performance champion, international lure coursing champion, Slovenian, Croatian and Austrian beauty champion and Slovenian lure coursing champion. Not bad for 5,5 years old boy . Thank you Ana for photos of today show and to all friends for great company and support !
foto credit: Ana Madon