SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃
Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil sodobno spletno stran in prosim za malo potrpljenja.
Seveda lahko medtem spremljate vse novosti na našem blogu – aktiven je že od leta 2008!
Hvala vsem za razumevanje,
Andreja & Ninochka's Borsois
ENG: Dear friends, we are updating our website, because time has overtaken us a little😃
I believe that with the help of my friends, I will soon set up a modern website and I ask for a little patience.
Of course, in the meantime, you can follow all the news on our blog – it has been active since 2008!
Thank you all for your understanding,
Andreja & Ninochka’s Borsois
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