SLO: Danes je bil odličen zaključek starega leta: 2 urni sprehod preko gozdov in travnikov - še dobro, da smo z seboj imeli okrepčilo :-). Z željami, da bo leto 2013, ki prihaja, vsaj tako čudovito kot zadnji dan leta 2012 ! Srečno Novo Leto !
ENG: Today was a great closure of Old Year: 2 hours walk thru woods and fields ( good that we had refreshment :-). We Wish, that upcoming New year 2013 will be as nice as the last day of 2012 ! Happy New Year to All !
Preparation for walk....
just in case - fill it :-)
When you run thru the wood you will need it
Pit Stop 1 - human refreshment ( Anže )
Luc waiting on his turn :-)
Pit stop 2 - still have some friuts left !
Something for us , too ?
Are you shure is not ???