*Andreja NOVAK, Podkogelj 4, 1315 Velike Lašče, SLOVENIJA,* www.ninochkas.com ninochkas@gmail.com WWW.HISKAMISKA.TOP borzoj,ruski hrt, borzoj, barzaia, borzoi, levriero russo, russisher windhund
12. december 2016
Double CACIB show Wels 2016 - Luc is now Austrian Beauty Champion, too !
SLO: Odličen vikend za nami ! Uspešno razstavno - Luc zaključil avstrijsko prvaštvo z naslovom BOB pri sodniku iz Hrvaške - Tino Pehar, Cici je osvojila CAC, CACIB. V soboto je sodnica Eli Marie Klepp Lucu podelila CAC in R.CACIB, Cici je bila R.CAC v razredu vmesni.
Odlično vzdušje na razstavi in v Kremsmunstru - mestecu pod benediktanskim samostanom in čudoviti adventno okrasitvijo. Darka hvala za družbo :-)
ENG: Well - it was a GREAT weekend in Austria ! Double CACIB show in Wels got more than 5000 dogs in 2 days - and each day more than 20 borzois
Darka was my travel company this time and it was great ! Saturday show was judged by Eli-Marie Klepp from Norway : Ch Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois - Luc was getting CAC from working class and later R. CACIB. Ninochka's Creme de la Creme - Cici was in Intermediate class with R.CAC title. Next day - on Sunday, judge was Tino Pehar from Croatia: Luc winning from working class CAC,CACIB and BOB and he became Austrian Beauty Champion ! And Cici behave so much better than day before - she got CAC & CACIB from intermediate class ! Fantastic ! on the top we enjoyed a beautiful Kremsmunster with Benedictine Monastery and beautiful Advent decoration in the city. Really great weekend - thanks Darka :-)
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