30. september 2014

Poletni dan na CACIB LENDAVA - Fantastic Summer day at CACIB LENDAVA

SLO: 21.septembra smo bili v Lendavi - tokrat v malo drugačni vlogi - sodniški :-) Čudovit poletni dan je naredil to razstavo nekaj posebnega, vzdušje in odlični psi v razstavnem krogu - kaj bi želeli lepšega ;-)

ENG: On September 21st we were in Lendava - this time as a judge :-) It was fantastic summer day, great atmosphere and excellent dogs - what do you need more for a perfect day? ;-)

BIS X fci GROUP: foto www.mojpes.net

BEST VETERANS: foto www.mojpes.net

B -litter: starost 7 tednov ** age:7 weeks

SLO: Takole - stari smo že 7 tednov in lep poletni dan konec septembra smo izkoristili za slikanje :-)
ENG:Well - we are 7 weeks old and beautiful summer day at the end of September was perfect for "photo shooting " :-)

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

26. september 2014

B -litter: starost : 6 tednov *** age 6 weeks

SLO & ENG: Takole smo pozirali pri starosti 6 tednov ** We are posing at age of 6 weeks :-)

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy
Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

25. september 2014


SLO: Tradicionalni vikend na Dolskem se je pričel z mokro in blatno soboto - ampak to ni bila ovira, da se ne bi vsi zbrali . V katalogu je bilo v soboto 13 borzojev - sodnik Louis Dehaes iz Belgije pa je moral odsoditi 74 hrtov. Luc - Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois je prvič nastopil v razredu prvakov in osvojil naslov CAC,Best male in BOB !!! Odličen dan, kljub blatu, mokrim nogam in umazanim psom :-)
V nedeljo se nas je vreme usmililo - posijalo je celo sonce,tla so se osušila in 44 hrtov se je lahko podalo na štart 8.mednarpodnega CACIL coursinga. Tudi tokrat so bili borzoji odlično zastopani - kar 11 jih je bilo na štartu. Luc je za 1 točko zaostal za 1.mestom in tako osvojil R.CACIL in CACL, na tretje mesto je z svojim prvim uradnim coursingom prišla Mariška - Ninochka's Arabeska Akvamarin, na četrtko mesto Tarasov's Imbrium - Maks, Maksim - Ailica's Idali at Ninochka's pa je tekmo zaključil kot sedmi. Luc je z sobotno razstavo osvojil še naslov BEAUTY & PERFORMANCE winner Dolsko 2014. ODLIČEN VIKEND ! Hvala vsem za fantastično družbo :-)

ENG: Traditional weekend in Dolsko started with wet, muddy Saturday Show - but this was not an issue for not coming ! Judge Louis Dehaes from Belgija had to judge 74 Sighthoudns - 13 borzois among them. Luc - Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois was shown in champion class for the first time and he got. CAC, Best male and BOB !! Great day despite mud, rain, wet feet and dirty dogs :-)
Sunday weather was perfect - no rain, some sun and dry field. It was 44 Sighthounds on 8th CACIL coursing - 11 borzois on start. Luc missed the first place for only 1 point and geeting R.CACIL and CACL title, great success for Ninochka's Arabeska Akvamarin - her first official coursing she finnished on 3 place, Tarasov's Imbium - Maks was 4th and Ailica's Idali at Ninochka's - Maksim finnished as 7th. Luc was also winner of BEAUTY and PERFORMANCE for Dolsko 2014. GREAT WEEKEND!! Thank you all for great company :-)

You can see Dolsko report on FB ALBUM

and see his GREAT RUNS ( Thank you DARKA ): 1st RUN and 2nd RUN
Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois - CAC, BEST MALE , BOB

Muddy - we didn't care :-)

Placing on CACIL Coursing

Luc in action - as always great photos from Blayo - Yinepu !!!

Sunday prizes - lovely artwork with Borzoi from Darka :-)

Saturday Prizes.....

8. september 2014

starost: 4 tedne **** age: 4 weeks

SLO: Takole smo pozirali pri starosti 4 tednov.... Nekateri mladički še iščejo dober dom :-)
ENG: How we looks at age of 4 weeks.....Some are looking for loving home :-)


Ninochka's Barrique Blistai MORE PHOTOS:
Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar MORE PHOTOS:
Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy MORE PHOTOS:

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda MORE PHOTOS:
Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja MORE PHOTOS
Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca MORE PHOTOS:
Ninochka's Bellet Blestka MORE PHOTOS
Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka MORE PHOTOS

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