30. september 2014

B -litter: starost 7 tednov ** age:7 weeks

SLO: Takole - stari smo že 7 tednov in lep poletni dan konec septembra smo izkoristili za slikanje :-)
ENG:Well - we are 7 weeks old and beautiful summer day at the end of September was perfect for "photo shooting " :-)

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

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POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...