2. junij 2014

CACL DOLSKO 31.5.2014 - Odličen dan s prijatelji - Great Day with friends at CACL DOLSKO !!

SLO: Ker so se morali načrti spremeniti - smo namesto potovanja v Nemčijo smo odšli v Dolsko.V soboto 31.5.2014 je bil že tradicionalni CACL Coursing v Dolskem. Sobota je bila ravno prava za tekmo, ki smo jo odlično izkoristili: Na Štartu je bilo kar 9 borzojev ! Odlična družba in še boljša organizacija je kljub manjši poškodbi Luc-a dala več
females placing
kot pozitiven vtis dneva.Odlično sta se odrezala tako Maksim kot Maks - Zoya pa je slabšo kondicijo nadomestila z srčnostjo :-) Mariška pa je postala vzhajajoča zveza - upamo, da kmalu pridobi licenco! Ocena sobote: ODLIČNO :-)
Ailica's Idali at Ninochka's - Maksim
Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B.
Tarasov's Imbrium - Maks
Ninochka's Arabeska Akvamarin - Mariška
Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois
Končni rezultat / Final results: BORZOJ SAMEC / BOZOI MALES: 1. CACL Ailica's Idali at Ninochka's - Darka Sukič 2. R.CACL Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois 3. Tarasov's Imbium - Erna skuk 4. Sholwood Red Sky - Psarna Wolkowo BORZOJ PSICE / BORZOI FEMALES 1.CACL Manitias Mona Lisa - Rihar & Bergamo 2.R.CACL Dusha Ochotnika Mraja 3.Cherdyak Karizma - Aljoša Podlesk 4.Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. 5.Wyraj Wszystko Polot - psarna Wolkowo THANK YOU DARKA for VIDEOS adn Tina for great photos !! Runs: ZOYA & Dusha :Luc &; MAKSIM: ENG: We had to changed planes and instead travelling to Germany we went on Dolsko. Saturday was day for coursing: it was 6th CACL Coursig and it wsa 9 borzois on start ! Great day and excellent company and excellent results of our dogs. Luc had small accident in field , but we hope he will be ready for Italy at the end of June. Great performance in the filed showed Maksim as well Maks - our Zoya run with heart ! "Little" Marishka showed great runs on training and we believe she is our next shining star :-)
Males placing

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