12. junij 2014

MLADIČKI - upamo, da pridejo sredi meseca avgusta !! PUPPIES - hope to arrived in the middle of August !!

LUC as show dog :-)

Vihra's expression ....

RODOVNIK načrtovanega legla - PEDIGREE of planned litter


FATHER: "LUC" SUNBURST LUCID DREAM at NINOCHKA'S BORSOIS (Sunburst Die Fledermause Prince & Sunburst Halston de Thistledown ) Coursing Licence, running up International, Slovenian, Croatian and Italian Coursing Champion title, also Slovenian and International Beauty Champion title.
LUC in action - he lives for RUNNING !!!

MOTHER:Slovenian and Croatian Beauty Champion : NINOCHKA'S VIHRA (Multi Ch Rassvet Svetleyshij Mirage & Multi Ch Ninochka's Uvertura )

Vihra's movement
Vihra was never interested in plastic lure - but REAL hunt - something totaly diferent ;-)
SLO: Po vseh zapletih in odpletih smo uspešno opravili paritev in upamo, da se nam v sredini meseca avgusta pridružijo mladički :-)To bo prvo leglo našega Luca - ter drugo in zadnje naše Vihre. Oba starša sta N/N pri DM.

ENG: A very stresfull time is over - and mating was sucessful- hoping, that puppies will join us in the middle of August :-) this will be first litter of our Luc and second ( olso the last one ) from our Vihra. Both parents are N/N with DM.
Luc's easy movement.....

and wild heart on coursing :-)

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POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...