24. november 2014

Fantastičen vikend v Zagrebu - Luc je postal Hrvaški prvak v lepoti !!!! Fantastic weekend in Zagreb - Luc is now also Croatian Beauty Champion !!

SLO: Za nami je precej naporen - podaljšan vikend v Zagrebu :-) V petek popoldne 21.11. je bila specialna razstava Hrvaškega kluba za hrte, ki je privabila 96 hrtov od tega kar 29 borzojev: sodnica Marina Ostrovskaja, Rusija. Luc je v razredu delovnih osvojil CAC, postal Beauty & Performance winner z jesenskim coursingom v Zagrebu, na koncu pa osvojil še BIS razreda delovnih! 
Sobota 22.11. - CACIB Zagreb - sodnica Tatjana Urek, Slovenija, odlično CAC
Nedelja 23.11- CACIB Zagreb - sodnica Colette Muldoon, Irska, odlično CAC
Luc je tako postal tudi Hrvaški prvak v lepoti !!!

ENG: We had busy weekend behind us :-) Friday 21.11. was Sighthound Specialty organised by Croatian Sighthound Club, and Marina Ostrovskaja from Russia had to judge 96 sighthounds  ( 29 borzois ).  Luc was in working class - winning CAC, Beauty and performance title with Autumn coursing and  BIS working!
Saturday 22.11. CACIB ZAGREB - judge Tatjana Urek, Slovenija, exc CAC
Sunday 23.11. CACIB ZAGREB- judge Colette Muldoon, Irland, Exc CAC
Luc is now also CROATIAN Beauty Champion !!!

Special Sighthound Show 21.11.2014 - judge Marina Ostrovskaja, RUS: Ch SLO, Ch CRO Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois winning BIS WORKING CLASS


SLO:  Tako, mladički počasi  odhajajo v nove domove - razpršeni po celi Evropi :-) Ljubeč dom še iščemo za Beločko - psičko, ki zaradi majše poškodbe pri rojstvu ne bo primerna za razstave, je pa hitra kot strela :-)

ENG: Well, puppies are going to new homes around Europe :-) We are looking for loving pet home for Belocka - a sweet female, who is not for shows, but she is extremely fast - could have great future on coursing fields :-)

15. oktober 2014

male zvezde - stare 9 tednov *** little stars 9 weeks old

SLO: stari smo 9 tednov, na voljo pa so še 4 mladički: 3 psi Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar,Ninochka's Barrique Blistai, Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy in 1 psička Ninochka's Bellet Blestka.

Več likic  na FB albumuTUKAJ

ENG: we are 9 weeks old, and 4 puppies are still available: 3 males: Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar,Ninochka's Barrique Blistai, Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy and 1 female: Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

More photo in FB album HERE
Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar AVAILABLE

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar AVAILABLE   
Ninochka's Barrique Blistai AVAILABLE

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai AVAILABLE
Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy AVAILABLE

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy AVAILABLE 
Ninochka's Bellet Blestka AVAILABLE

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka AVAILABLE 
Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja 
Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda 
Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka
Ninochka's Blanc Baroneska

Ninochka's Blanc Baroneska

starost: 8 tednov - 8 weeks old

Takole smo pozirali stari 8 tednov *** 8 weeks old

They were very no cooperative :-) You can see album with 8 week on FB>>> HERE

30. september 2014

Poletni dan na CACIB LENDAVA - Fantastic Summer day at CACIB LENDAVA

SLO: 21.septembra smo bili v Lendavi - tokrat v malo drugačni vlogi - sodniški :-) Čudovit poletni dan je naredil to razstavo nekaj posebnega, vzdušje in odlični psi v razstavnem krogu - kaj bi želeli lepšega ;-)

ENG: On September 21st we were in Lendava - this time as a judge :-) It was fantastic summer day, great atmosphere and excellent dogs - what do you need more for a perfect day? ;-)

BIS X fci GROUP: foto www.mojpes.net

BEST VETERANS: foto www.mojpes.net

B -litter: starost 7 tednov ** age:7 weeks

SLO: Takole - stari smo že 7 tednov in lep poletni dan konec septembra smo izkoristili za slikanje :-)
ENG:Well - we are 7 weeks old and beautiful summer day at the end of September was perfect for "photo shooting " :-)

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

26. september 2014

B -litter: starost : 6 tednov *** age 6 weeks

SLO & ENG: Takole smo pozirali pri starosti 6 tednov ** We are posing at age of 6 weeks :-)

Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy
Ninochka's Brut Blestyashchiy

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Bacchus Bojar

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Barrique Blistai

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Bellet Blestka

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Barolo Belogruda

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Blanc Baronesca

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

Ninochka's Barbera Barisnja

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

Ninochka's Beujolais Belocka

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...