26. oktober 2012


SLO: Konec meseca avgusta je k nam prišel 8 mesečni samček z imenom Luc - natančneje Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's. Prihaja iz Amerike in hvala Garnett Thompson, da nam ga je zaupala.
Svoj razstavni debi je doživel na 20. specialni razstavi Slovenskega kluba za hrte, ki je bila meseca septembra v Kranjski gori. Sodnik Miklos Levente iz Madžarske mu je v razredu najmlajših podelil oceno "zelo perspektiven". Nekaj tednov kasneje je "testiral" že coursing polje in odrezal se je več kot odlično!

ENG:  At the end of August a beautifull 8 moths old boy came from USA. His name is Luc - officialy Sunburts Lucid Dream at Ninochka's. Thank you Garnett Thompson for trusting this lovely boy to us :-)
Luc's firts show in Slovenia was 20th Speciality Show ( The Sighthound Club of Slovenia ) and he was "very perspective " by judge Levente Miklos from Hungary. Few weeks later Luc was " tested "on coursing field - and he was great !

Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's as puppy

Sunburst Die  Fledermaus Prince & DC Sunburst Halston at Thistledown

His first show - before the ring...

 and in the ring

24. oktober 2012

Lotzwil / Swizzerland, August 2012

SLO: Konec meseca avgusta sem sodila v Švici, natančneje v Loztwilu, kjer je bila tudi ena izmed etap Eurocup tekmovanja. V soboto je bila na programu razstava , v nedeljo pa kar 160 hrtov na coursingu.
Bilo je precej naporno - vendar sem neizmerno uživala !

ENG: At the end of August I was judging in Swizzerland - in Lotzwil: This was also one of stops for Eurocup 2012. On Saturday it was CAC show for all Sighthounds breeds and on Sunday it was 160 dogs on Coursing. I enjoyed A LOT  !

EX1 CAC Best Male, Club Winner 2012 SILVER SERAPH SOKOLOW

 EX1 CAC Best Female, BOB, Club Winner 2012 and BIS RHAPSODY IN SILVER SOKOLOW


EX1 CAC Best Female, BOB, Club Winner 2012 and BIS EX1 Vet-CAC Vet-BOB KLINGSOR’S OCHOTNA


BIS placing

23. oktober 2012


SLO:  Poletje je mimo - sploh ne vem kdaj- smo že skoraj na pragu zime!  Kljub vsemu, da se je vse tako hitro odvrtelo, se je zgodilo kar nekaj "pomembnih" stvari - od tega, da smo pridobili novega 4 - nožnega člana, do tega, da sem pristala v bolnici in bila urgentno operirana na slepiču,... pa še kaj bi se našlo :-)
čez poletje se je pa tudi  garalo - takole je nastala oaza za posedanje pri potoku :-) Vrtnice niso moje - so pa posajene in upam, da bodo nekoč take, kot na slikah, ki sem jih posnela v Italiji :-)

ENG:  Summer is over - just do not now when its gone - and winter is almost here ! Everything went so fast - but also som " important " things happened :-) We have new  4 leg fammily member, I was urgently operated in hospital ( apendix )...... and we could  find some more :-))

But Summer was also hard working - we build new sitting and relaxing area by our creak:-)
Roses on photos are not mine ( I took photos in Italy this sumer ), but they are planted and hoping to look like this in a few years :-)

                                   Tlakovana površina, kjer bo prostor za mizo in klop - pawing area where will be sitting & relaxing place

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...