4. maj 2009


SLO: Za nami je naporen vikend in imamo fantastične novice ! Zoya je mladinski prvak Hrvaške v lepoti, kar je dosegla za fantastičnimi rezultati v Zadru ! V Italiji pa je bila uspešna Uša :-) Fotografije in podrobnosti sledijo kmalu !

ENG: We had "hard" weekend behind Us - and we have FANTASTIC news ! Zoya is new Junior Champion of Croatia and she made fantastic results in Zadar ! It Italy Uša was also excellent placed :-) Photos and detailes will fallow soon !

Samo na kratko / short NEWS!!

CACIB ZADAR 1.5.2009 - judge Tino Pehar, Croatia

Ninochka's Vihra CAC, CACIB

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. , PRM- Winner of Junior Class


CACIB ZADAR 2.5.2009 - judge Carla Molinari, P

Ninochka's Vihra R.CAC, R.CACIB

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. , PRM- Winner of Young Class


CACIB ZADAR 3.5.2009 - judge Seamus Oates , IRL

Ninochka's Vihra R.CAC

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. ,PRM- Winner of Young Class


Italian Sighthound Club- Specialty Show, 2.5.2009 - judge: Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne (D)

Ch Ninochka's Uvertura - 2nd Champion Class

CACIL COURSING 3.5.2009 , Italy

Ninochka's Uvertura 3rd place

4 komentarji:

Unknown pravi ...

I've heard before of the excellent results and I had no doubt Zoya would finish championship so fast... she's beautiful!!! Congratulations also to Vihra and I hope to see you soon... Are you coming to Portoroz?

Stef pravi ...

Well done, right from the start an impressive career indeed!
S. & I.

Andreja Novak - Ninochka's pravi ...

HI Guys & thank you for nice words about Zoya :-))
Marina, I will not be in Portorose - this weekend I judging in Finland :-)

see U Soon,

Unknown pravi ...

Oh It's a pity, but I hope you will have a great time there!!! See you soon!

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...