SLO: Zadnji dan - v nedeljo, je hrte sodil irski sodnik g. Sheamus Oates: Vihra je osvojila R.CAC - Zoya pa - PONOVNO, PRM in BOB ! Kljub pozni uri smo počakali še Best in Show program, kjer je sodnik Zoyo urstil na 3.mesto ! Zoya je s tem osvojila tudi naslov Hrvaškega mladinskega prvaka v lepoti !
ENG: Sunday- last day, Sighthounds were judge by Mr. Sheamus Oates from Ireland. Vihra got R.CAC and Zoya -AGAIN - Winner of Young class and BOB ! Despite late hour we wait for Best in Show and judge placed Zoya as 3rd in Group! Zoya also achived title of Croatian Junior Champion !
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