28. november 2024

Show WEEKEND Zagreb 2024 : 2 x Hrvaški prvak v lepoti // 2 NEW Croatian Beauty Champions!


                 We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows in Zagreb!
                 💓The youth did great, Krasa and Niki became Croatian champions in beauty! 💓
                                                                           But in order:
📣Friday 22.11.2024 📣- Club specialty show of the Sighthound club of Sighthounds Club of Croatia - Klub hrtova, judge Beatrix Maerki Casanova,Switzerland:
Ninochka's Evgen Volshebnik - Niki, Owner: Vanja Bobaš, intermediate class ex CAC
Ninochka's Ekaterina Krasnivaja - Krasa - intermediate class CAC and BOS!
📣Saturday 23.11.2024📣 - CACIB show, judge György Tesics , HUNGARY:
Ninochka's Evgen Volshebnik - Niki, Owner Vanja Bobaš, intermediate class Excellent CAC
Ninochka's Ekaterina Krasnivaja - Krasa - intermediate class CAC CACIB (Cruft qualification) and BOS!
📣Sunday 24.11.2024📣 - CACIB show, judge Brigita Kremser Slovenia:
Ninochka's Evgen Volshebnik - Niki,owner Vanja Bobaš
intermediate class Exc CAC and R, CACIB
Ninochka's Dragocenij Diamant - Dino, owner Urška Škrap- excellent 3 / 4
Ninochka's Ekaterina Krasnivaja - Krasa - intermediate class CAC
Despite the successful weekend in terms of shows, everything was even better because of Urška Škrap and Vanja Bobaš and all the friends we had fun with! Thanks Manca Fojkar Gubina & Borut for the photos and once again congratulations to Nancy Op de Weerdt for 3 BOB in a row !
Thank you to all the judges for the truly beautiful descriptions of our dogs and for the professional judging.

24. oktober 2024

New Junior Champion NINOCHKA'S ERIK BYSTRYY( Lawy) and New Lituanian Chamipon Ninochka's Evgenija Knaznja ( Klara )

Great news from the Czech Republic!

                                                 MVP České Budějovice 13.10.2024
                     JCH. RO, JCH.CZ. NINOCHKA'S ERIK BYSTRYY( Lawy) 16 months
                                 judge : Miroslav Václavík - V1,CAJC,CACIB-J,BOJ 
                                                         judge : Otakar Vondrouš - JBIG2 
                                                          OWNER: Renata Kryštof

and Great news from the Lituania !

                                           ''Saulės miesto ruduo 2024'' 2024-10-13
                                Klara (Ninochka's Evgenija Knaznja) LT CAC, N, BOB, BIG 3
                                                            Judge :Helin Tenson
                                                                 OWNER: Vaida Stanke


10. oktober 2024


SLO:  Po 14 letih je Slovenija ponovno gostila Evropsko razstavo psov v Celju. Če sem na prvi leta 2010 samo delala, sem na tej samo razstavljala in sicer v soboto popoldan na evropski klubski razstavi in ​​v nedeljo na evropski razstavi.

V soboto je sodil gospod Stelios Makaritis iz Grčije, Krasa - Ninochka Ekaterina Krasnivaja pa je osvojila odlično 2. mesto v razredu mladih. Med veterani je bila Multi Ch Ninochka's Creme de la Creme - Cici, ki je pri skoraj 10 letih osvojila naslov evropske veteranske klubske prvakinje in veteran BOB.
V nedeljo je sodil g. Vlastislav Vojtek iz Slovaške, tokrat pa se je Krasi pridružil njen brat Niki - Ninochka's Evgeniy Volshebnik (lastnik Vanja Bobaš). Niki je dobila oceno prav dobro, Krasa je bila odlična 2. v razredu mladih psic, Cici pa je osvojila naslov Evropske veteranke  in veteran BOB.

Čestitke vsem nagrajencem!

Vikend poln klepetanja s prijatelji, hvala vsem za družbo! Hvala Urški in Dori za fotografije.
WOW  - Multi Ch Ninochka's Creme de la Creme je zdaj tudi slovenska veteranska prvakinja  - res ponosna na našo veteranko, dala je vse od sebe! Mladi morajo dozoreti - prihodnost je videti svetla ❤


ENG: After 14 years, Slovenia hosted the European Dog Show in Celje again. If I only worked at the first one in 2010, I only exhibited at this one, on Saturday afternoon at the European Club Show and on Sunday at the European Show.

On Saturday, Mr. Stelios Makaritis from Greece judged, and Krasa - Ninochka Ekaterina Krasnivaja won an excellent 2nd place in the youth class. Among the veterans, Multi Ch Ninochka's Creme de la Creme - Cici, who at almost 10 years old won the title of European Veteran Club Champion and Veteran BOB.

On Sunday, Mr. Vlastislav Vojtek from Slovakia judged, and this time Krasa was joined by her brother Niki - Ninochka's Evgeniy Volshebnik (owner Vanja Bobaš). Niki received a very good rating, Krasa was an excellent 2nd in the young female class, and Cici won the title of European Veteran and Veteran BOB.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Weekend full of chatting with friends, thanks to everyone for the company! Thanks to Urška and Dora for the photos.
WOW - Multi Ch Ninochka's Creme de la Creme is now also Slovenian Veteran Champion - really proud of our veteran, she gave her all! Young people need to mature - the future looks bright ❤

30. september 2024

September je bil čudovit - September was wonderful


 SLO: Uživali smo vsak dan, seveda Krasa še najbolj. Tudi Cici se je "kondicijsko " pripravljala na oktobrsko evropsko razstavo v Celju  :D

ENG: We enjoyed every day, of course the Krasa the most. Cici was also preparing "in terms of fitness" for the October European Dog Show in Celje :D


                                                       Krasa - training for EDS 



31. julij 2024

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃

Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil sodobno spletno stran in prosim za malo potrpljenja.

Seveda lahko medtem spremljate vse novosti na našem blogu http://ninochkas.blogspot.com/ – aktiven je že od leta 2008!

Hvala vsem za razumevanje,

  Andreja & Ninochka's Borsois




ENG: Dear friends, we are updating our website, because time has overtaken us a little😃

I believe that with the help of my friends, I will soon set up a modern website and I ask for a little patience.

Of course, in the meantime, you can follow all the news on our blog http://ninochkas.blogspot.com/ – it has been active since 2008!

Thank you all for your understanding, 

Andreja & Ninochka’s Borsois

Poletne počitnice // Summer Holidays

 SLO:  Letos smo imeli kar nekaj super obiskov in ni nam bilo dolgčas !

ENG: We had quite a few great visits this year and we weren't bored!

22. julij 2024


 SLO: Krasa je doma v popolni bikini opravi in ni za na razstave :D
Smo pa ta vikend prejeli razstavne uspehe sestrice Klare - NINOCHKA'S EVGENIJA KNJAZNJA, lastnica VAida Stanke in LAwy-ja - NINOCHKA'S ERIK BYSTRYY, lastnica  Renata Krystof - Čestitke obema za osvojitev naslove PRVAK razreda mladih !

ENG: Krasa is at home in a perfect bikini and not for shows :D
This weekend we received the show successes of Krasa's  sister  KLARA - NINOCHKA'S EVGENIJA KNJAZNJA, owner of Vaida Stanka and LAwy - NINOCHKA'S ERIK BYSTRYY, owner of Renata Kryštof - Congratulations to both of them for winning the title of Junior Winner!



17. junij 2024


 Pred tradicionalni nedeljski kronometer smo postavili še sobotni košarkarski turnir 3 x 3. 

 Odlično je bilo ! Ima potencial, da ga organiziramo tudi naslednje leto :D Rezervirajte si tretji vikend v juniju !

Tudi Anže in Luka sta imala svoji ekipi .

Fotografije: Tina Medvešček

29. april 2024

Pohodniški vikend ! Hiking weekend!

SLO:  Po napornem razstavnem četrtku v Zagrebu  je sledil še napornejši vikend :D 

Najprej smo se v soboto "ogrevali" na sprehodu čez Ljubljano, kjer smo bili glavna atrakcija turistov ! 

V nedeljo pa sta bili Dama in Krasa spremljevalki na pohodu po Krpanovi poti na Blokah.

Ta vikend samo zaključile s kilometrino, ki jo lahko merimo z pohodom okrog žice v Ljubljani. 

Se ne damo :D 

ENG: After a busy Thursday at World Dog Show in Zagreb, an even more busy weekend followed :D

First, on Saturday, we "warmed up" on a walk across Ljubljana, where we were the main tourist attraction! 

On Sunday, Dama and Krasa were companions on a hike along the Krpan route on Bloke. We just finished this weekend with mileage, which can be measured by walking around the wire route in Ljubljana. 

Girls power :D

25. april 2024


 ENG: The World Exhibition in Zagreb is over. It was our turn on the first day, Thursday, April 25, which was great: it wasn't crowded, you could find a place. I was looking forward to the good number of registered borzoi and all the friends I haven't seen in a long time. The judging took place like an express train, and Krasa and Niki had the largest number of competitors in the youth class - females in the youth class had 11 representatives and males in the youth class had 8 representatives. Both were graded excellent and both were the youngest in their class. There was no love for plasement, but I am VERY proud of both of them, how they handled themselves and how beautiful they looked in the ring. Thanks to Adriana Eljeskas Borzoi for the photos of Krasa, which we took after the judging and thanks to Urška, Vanja and her Niki for great company and a fantastic Thursday! I LOVE you  and I am very proud on all !!!

Show WEEKEND Zagreb 2024 : 2 x Hrvaški prvak v lepoti // 2 NEW Croatian Beauty Champions!

                                                                       We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...