*Andreja NOVAK, Podkogelj 4, 1315 Velike Lašče, SLOVENIJA,* www.ninochkas.com ninochkas@gmail.com WWW.HISKAMISKA.TOP borzoj,ruski hrt, borzoj, barzaia, borzoi, levriero russo, russisher windhund
31. december 2022
1. december 2022
28. november 2022
CACIB ZAGREB - November 2023
SLO: Po treh letih smo ponovno obiskali zimsko CACIB razstavo v Zagrebu. Po dolgem času sem prijavila na začetku prijav in nisem povedala Damici. Prisežem! Kljub skrivanju informacij o razstavi ji je 10 dni pred razstavo začela odpadati dlaka – na polno! V razstavnem ringu je bila torej v popolni bikini opremi, moram pa omeniti, da je bila tudi druga samica v razredu šampionov v poletni opravi. Imeli smo zabavo na plaži 🙂 Ko je sodnik Vlastislav Vojtek ( SK ) končal z ocenjkevanjem Dame, prisežem, da je imel več dlakna sebi kot moj pes!
Kakorkoli, Dama se je lepo obnašala - tokrat brez drame. Osvojila je prvo mesto v razredu prvakov in naslov CAC.
Vsekakor je bil najboljši del razstave klepet s prijatelji, ki jih (pre)dolgo nisem videli. In hvala Asji in Lani za slikovno dokumentacijo Bikini Dame 😃
ENG: After three years, we returned to the Winter CACIB exhibition in Zagreb. After a long time, I applied at the beginning of applications and did not tell Damica. I swear! Despite hiding the information about the exhibition, 10 days before the exhibition she started shedding hair - in full! So she was in full bikini gear in the show ring, but I must mention that the second female in the champion class was also in a summer outfit. We had a beach party 🙂 When the judge VLastislav Vojtek ( SK ) finished examining Dama, I swear he had more hair than my dog!
Anyway, Dama behaved very well - no drama this time. She won first place in the champion class and the CAC title.
In any case, the best part of the exhibition was chatting with friends we hadn't seen for a (too) long time. And thanks to Asja and Lana for the pictorial documentation of Bikini Dama 😃
8. november 2022
SLO: Elle’s China Edition - naslovna fotografija z Brenjo ( NINOCHKA'S DOBROTA DOBRYNYA AT SUNBURST ). Prva z leve 😃
ENG: Elle’s China edition - cover photo with Brenja ( NINOCHKA'S DOBROTA DOBRYNYA AT SUNBURST ). First from left

30. oktober 2022
6. oktober 2022
Ponosni na naše fante po svetu - poletje 2022 * Proud of our boys around the world-summer 2022
Nekaj razstavnih utrinkov letošnjega poletja ** some exhibition glimpses of this summer
Ninochka´s Barrigue Blistai at Jarindjas " Blistai " proud on this veteran boy, winning CAC, BOB veteran and VETERAN BIS 3rd at SvVk Lund, Sweden: owner Maria Marden, handler: Sara Fosberg
( Multi Ch Sunburst Lucid Dreat at Ninochka's Borsois & Ch Ninochka's Vihra )
Ninochka's Drevnerusskij Don: 1er Excellent- CACS- BOS , Matot, France. Owner Elisabeth Remande, France
( Funny Flirt Royal Lily & Ch Ninochka's Creme de la Creme )
( Funny Flirt Royal Lily & Ch Ninochka's Creme de la Creme )
23. september 2022
Jesen je tukaj.. Autumn is here
SLO: Hladna jutra, malo že zmrzuje in lepi dnevi, ki niso prevroči za sprehode. Tudi za našega veterana Luc-a
ENG: Cold mornings, a little freezing and beautiful days that are not too hot for walks. Also for our veteran Luc
16. avgust 2022
ponovno Švedska - Sweden again
SLO: letošnjo sklandinavsko turnejo zaključujem ponovno na Švedskem. Bjurnholm je fantastično mesto za vse ljubitelje hrtov - sobotno CAC razstavo in nedeljski coursing. Vreme pa aprilsko :D
ENG: I am finishing this year's Scandinavian tour again in Sweden. Bjurnholm is a fantastic place for all greyhound lovers - Saturday CAC show and Sunday coursing. The weather is April :D
5. avgust 2022
Show WEEKEND Zagreb 2024 : 2 x Hrvaški prvak v lepoti // 2 NEW Croatian Beauty Champions!
We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...

Podkogelj 4 SLO: Dobrodošli pri nas doma: z leve: Sandi,Anže, Harry,Tara, Zoya, Vihra - in moja malenkost :-) ENG: Welcome at Our home: f...
SLO: Krasa je doma v popolni bikini opravi in ni za na razstave :D Smo pa ta vikend prejeli razstavne uspehe sestrice Klare - NINOCHKA...
SLO: Po napornem razstavnem četrtku v Zagrebu je sledil še napornejši vikend :D Najprej smo se v soboto "ogrevali" na sprehodu ...