SLO: Luc - Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois je dopolnil 4 leta. Malce se je zresnil - pa ne preveč, in dobil je apetiti. V teh letih je postal Slovenski in Hrvaški prvak v lepoti, Mednarodni in Slovenski prvak v coursingu, ter dvakrat postal očka. Še se bomo srečali na coursingih in v razstavnih ringih :-) Vse najboljše Luc !!!
ENG: Luc - Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois is 4 years old. He became a bit more adult behavior - but not to much, and he got an apetite. In this 4 years he became Slovenian & Croatian Beauty Champion, International & Slovene lure coursing champion, and 2 times father. For shure you Will meet him on cousring fileds and in show rings in future :-) Happy Birthday Luc !!!
Thank you Garnett for this wonderfull boy !!!
Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois " LUC " - born 15.1.2012
Sunburst Die Fledermaus Prince & Sunburst Halston at Thistledown
Garnett Thompson [Sunburst]
Stuart McGraw |
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