1.CACl,CACIL Sunburts Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois, 2. R.CACL, R.CACIL Dober Kopp Africa Express, 3. Ailica's Idali at Ninochka's, 4. Rothesby Red Sky and 5. Aragon Trismegistus |
Luc flying over field |
Our Black Arrow :-) |
SLO: Sončna nedelja nas je spremljala na 4. etapi Eurocup tekmovanja za leto 2014: Odlična družba, odlična organizacija in resnično prijeten dan se je končal z zmago Luc-a med samci:
CACL in CACIL !! Zelo ponosna :-)
ENG: Sunny Sunday with friends, great arganization of the event, finished with cream on the top: Luc winning his
second CACIL and first Croatian CACL !!! Very proud on our boy :-)
HERE is Luc's first run with Karat Dusha: and
HERE is Luc's second run with Maksim :-) thank you Darka !!!
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