22. april 2014

CACIB MARIBOR 2014 - Sobota - Saturday 19.4.2014 - Bravo Luc & Akoya!

SLO: Letos je na Velikonočni vikend v Mariboru potekala mednarodna razstava. Mi smo prišli samo v soboto, ki je k sreči še prizanesla z dežjem. Sodnik je bil g. Branislav Rajić iz Slovenije, ki je imel v ringu 7 borzojev. LUC - Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois je bil v razstavnem ringu ponovno po več kot pol leta - rezultat pa fantastičen. CAC,CACIB in BOB ! Odlično se je odrezala tudi Ninochka's Aurora Akoya at by H.R.I.B. - lastnik družina Hrženjak, ki je v razredu mladih osvojila PRM in JBOB. Prijetna sobota z obilico dobre družbe se je zaključila v poznih popoldanskih urah. ENG: Easter weekend was this year in cooperation with double CACIB Maribor show. We were there on Saturday, April 19th. Judge was Mr. Branislav Rajić from Slovenia, and had to judge 7 borzois. Luc - Sunburst Lusid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois was in the show ring again - after more than six months: result wasw great ! Luc got CAC,CACIB &; BOB ! Excellent result also for young star Ninochka's Aurora Akoya at by H.R.I.B. - owner Hrženjak fam. - she was Winner of Junior class and JBOB ! It was nice Saturday with great company :-)

Left: Sunburts Lucid Dreat at Ninochka's Borsois: CAC,CACIB & BOB right: Grande Bretagne du Grand Fresnoy: CAC,CACIB, BOS foto: Razpotnik

BIS - Group X: foto Darka Sukić

Left: Ninochka's Aurora Akoya at by H.R.I.B. - PRM, JBOB ( fam. Hrženjak )

Luc in the ring: Photos credit: Igor Razpotnik

1. april 2014


1.CACl,CACIL Sunburts Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois, 2. R.CACL, R.CACIL Dober Kopp Africa Express, 3. Ailica's Idali at Ninochka's, 4. Rothesby Red Sky and 5. Aragon Trismegistus

Luc flying over field

Our Black Arrow :-)
SLO: Sončna nedelja nas je spremljala na 4. etapi Eurocup tekmovanja za leto 2014: Odlična družba, odlična organizacija in resnično prijeten dan se je končal z zmago Luc-a med samci: CACL in CACIL !! Zelo ponosna :-) ENG: Sunny Sunday with friends, great arganization of the event, finished with cream on the top: Luc winning his second CACIL and first Croatian CACL !!! Very proud on our boy :-) HERE is Luc's first run with Karat Dusha: and HERE is Luc's second run with Maksim :-) thank you Darka !!!

Show WEEKEND Zagreb 2024 : 2 x Hrvaški prvak v lepoti // 2 NEW Croatian Beauty Champions!

                                                                       We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...