23. januar 2013

Mladički so odšli v nove domove - puppies went to new homes

SLO: Na žalost je po dveh mesecih prišel čas, da gredo princeske  v nove domove. Vendar so resnične princeske -  v novem domu se že bogato razvajajo :-)  Srečno vsem !

ENG: It was sad, but after 2 monts its time that Princceses will go to another homes. But they are already spoiled and having great time with the new owners :-) Good luck to all !

 Ninochka's Aurora Akoya at by H.R.I.B.

 Akoya with Kaja and Rok :-)
 Amber with Elzi :-)

and Arabeska Akvamarin with Aljoša :-)

1 komentar:

Unknown pravi ...

wish them all best of luck in the new homes!

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...