14. januar 2013

21.specialna razstava Slovenskega kluba za hrte - 21st Special Sighthound Show - The Sighthound Club of Slovenia

SLO: V soboto, 12. januarja je bila v okviru CACIB Ljubljana 2013 organizirana že 21. specialna razstva Slovenskega kluba za hrte - kluba, ki v letošnjem letu praznuje 20. obletnico delovanja. Skoraj 100 hrtov v katalogu - od tega 16 borzojev, sta ocenjevala sodnika iz Slovenije - g. Štefan Šinko in iz Portugalske - gospod Luis Pinto Texeira. Organizacija razstave in nagrade - resnično odlično !
Borzoje je sodil g. Texeira: "Luc" Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois je v razredu mladih osvojil naslov PRM, Zoya - Multi Ch Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. pa je v razredu prvakov osvojila prvo mesto in naslov CAC. Odlično sta se odrezali še Ninochka's Veruschka ( CAC v razredu delovnih ) in Toniya Kalinow ( BIS puppy ) lastnice Vide Klenovšek.
V zaključnem BIS programu pa je Luc  osvojil še naslov najlepšega mladega psa razstave - BIS JUNIOR - sodnik je bil g. Štefan Šinko.
Uspehe in odlično izpeljano razstavo smo na koncu proslavili z šampanjcem :-)

ENG: Saturday, January 12, was traditional  - already 21st- Sighthound Speciality Show , organized by The Sighthound Club of Slovenia. The Club is celebrating 20 years of hard work, so nice enter of almost 100 sighthounds were judged by 2 judges: Mr.Štefan Šinko from Slovenia and Mr. Luis Pinto Texeira from Portugal. Organization of the Event and spectacular prizes were only creme on the top !
Borzois were judged by Mr. Luis Pinto Texeira - it was 16 in the catalogue: "Luc" Sunburst Lucid Dream at Ninochka's Borsois was Winner of the young class, while Multi Ch Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. was winner of Champion class ( achiving CAC title ). Great results also for Ninochka's Veruschka ( winner of working class ) and Toniya Kalinow ( BIS Puppy ) from friend Vida Klenovšek.
But above all - in final BIS program Luc became also BEST YOUNG SIGHTHOUND on the Show - BIS Junior. Judge was Mr. Štefan Šinko.
Succes and excellent show we celebrate with champagne :-)

we designed , prepare & donated  BOB prize for each breed
 Beautiful Special BOB prize for Borzoi was done and donated by dear friend Darka
And here is LUC - winning his Best in Show Junior :-)

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