25. maj 2009

Sobotno popoldne - Saturday afteroon

from left: Ninochka's Veruschka, Ninochka's Zoya , Ninochka's Vihra


Verushka & me


Anže & Zoya

posebna gostja - special guest - Sija :-)


SLO: Prejšnjo soboto smo se po klubskem coursingu ( kjer je Ninochka's Vigor pridobil coursing licenco - BRAVO !!) dobili pri nas na kavici. Nastale so te fantastične fotografije - hvala Blaž ! Uživajte....

ENG: Last Saturday we had Club Coursing Day ( Ninochka's Vigor achieved Coursing licence - BRAVO ! ) and after running we met at our place for coffe. Results are this beautiful photos - thank you Blaž ! Enjoy...

1 komentar:

Stef pravi ...

hello there,

Congrats on the coursing licence, and the beautiful pictures. There's one of Anze that is really fantastic, pure joy of discovering the world - of borzois, of course :-)

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...