SLO: 12. novembra sem sodila na mednarodnem coursingu v Italiji in z mano je šla Krasa - tako, za socializacijo.
Hvala organizatorjem, da je Krasa lahko preizkusila coursing zajčka - čeprav je bil njen stil zelo kengurujski ! Zabava pa je bila zagotovljena, tako zanjo kot za vse prisotne 😂😂
Hvala Martina za fotke💓
ENG: On November 12, I judged at an international coursing event in Italy, and Krasa went with me - for socialization.
Thanks to the organizers, that Krasa could try the coursing bunny - even though her style was very kangaroo!
Entertainment was guaranteed, both for her and for everyone present 😂😂
Thanks Martina for the photos💓
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