10. oktober 2023

OKTOBER: Češka & irski volčji hrti ** Czech & Irish Wolfhounds

SLO:  Bil je čudovit jesenski vikend - v družbi dobrodušnih velikanov Češkega kluba irskih volčjih hrtov - na čudovitem posestvu gradu Náměšť nad Oslavou. Hvala klubu za povabilo  in za 50 irskih volčjih hrtov v razstavnem ringu. Čestitke vzrediteljem in članom kluba, ki odlično opravljajo svoje delo - kar se pozna tudi na kvaliteti psov.
Še enkrat hvala organizatorjem in razstavljavcem za lep jesenski vikend in neskončne debate ter izmenjave mnenj v odličnem vzdušju in skupnih spominih! 

Z Lukom in Kraso smo imeli res lep vikend 💓

ENG:  It was a wonderful autumn weekend - in the company of the good-natured giants of the Czech Irish Wolfhound Club - at the beautiful estate of Náměšť nad Oslavou Castle. Thank you to the club for the invitation to judge the final show for this breed and for the 50 Irish Wolfhounds in the show ring. Congratulations to the breeders and members of the club, who do an excellent job - which can also be seen in the quality of the dogs.

Thanks again to the organizers and exhibitors for a nice autumn weekend and for endless debates and exchanges of opinions in a great atmosphere and shared memories! 
                                         We had a really nice weekend with Luka and Krasa 💓


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