18. julij 2021

CACIB POSTOJNA - some judging in Corona time

Poletje 2021 je omogočilo celo nakaj razstav - na povabilo organizatorja sem tako sodila hrte na CACIB Postojna 2021. Dan se je začel v lepem, sončnem vremenu, končal pa z poletno nevihto..... pa je bilo kljub temu super doživeti spet razstavo !

ENG: The summer of 2021 enabled even a fewdog shows - at the invitation of the organizer I judged the Sighthounds at CACIB Postojna 2021. The day started in beautiful, sunny weather and ended with a summer storm ..... but it was still great to experience the show again!

11. julij 2021


SLO: Poletno vreme in omejitev ukrepov nas je zvabila na dvojni CACIB Varaždin.

Smo se super imeli, Dinko je bil absolutna zvezda, medtem ko je D(r)ama imela svoje momente :D

Kakorkoli, uspehi vročega vikenda: Ninochka's Dragocenij Diamant & Urška : 2 x CAC, 2x CACIB in 2 x BOS

Ninochka's Dvornaja Dama: 2 x CAC, 2 x R.CACIB - izpolnila pogoje za  naziv Hrvaški prvak v lepoti !

Hvala Urška & Dino za super vikend !

ENG: Summer weather and a bit of relax of Covid restrictions , lured us to the double CACIB Varaždin. We had a great time, Dinko was an absolute star, while D (r) ama had her moments: D 

 Anyway, hot weekend successes: Ninochka's Dragocenij Diamond & Urška: 2 x CAC, 2x CACIB and 2 x BOS 

 Ninochka's Dvornaja Dama: 2 x CAC, 2 x R.CACIB - fulfilled the conditions for the title of Croatian Champion in Beauty! 

 Thank you Urška & Dino for a great weekend!


9. julij 2021

Levandine iz Mišje doline :D

 SLO: Letos je sivka spet bogato cvetela. Pa smo jo posušili. Iz suhih cvetkov sem naredila sladkor, nekaj jih je šlo v sivkine blazinice in za čaj - najlepši šopki pa so postali oblekica za deklice Levandine :D  intenet je zakon ;-)

ENG: This year, lavender bloomed profusely again. So we dried it. I made sugar from dried flowers, some of them went into lavender pillows and for tea - the most beautiful bouquets became a dress for Levandina girls: D  The internet rocks ;-)


Show WEEKEND Zagreb 2024 : 2 x Hrvaški prvak v lepoti // 2 NEW Croatian Beauty Champions!

                                                                       We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...