30. avgust 2018


SLO: V soboto 25.08. so se 3 mušketirji iz D legla prvič preizkusili na coursingu. Bilo je mokro in zabavno. Dino in Duki sta se odlično odrezala, Dama je prvič "lovila zajca " v drugo pa je zanjo preveč deževalo :D Kljub groznemu vremenu je bil odličen dan !

ENG: On Saturday 25.08. we had our Club coursing training and 3 musketeers try it for a first time. Dino and Duki were excellent, while Dama was "chasing rabbit" at first round, but on second it was to rainy and wet for her :D Despite terrible weather day was excellent !

23. avgust 2018

Sojenje v avgustu - Švedska in Češka *** Judging in August - Sweden and Czekh

SLO:      Švedska - Bjurholm - vikend hrtov, na žalost odpovedan nedeljski coursing zaradi resnično nenormalnega in vročega švedskega  poletja. Ampak odlična razstava in enkratna družba !

Češka - Konopište - vikend  v odlični družbi!  Central European Sighthound Show in Specialna Razstava za hrte.Vroče poletje in nova poznanstva :D

ENG: Sweden - Bjurnholm: CAC + CACIL - but coursing was cancelled due this year to hot summer. Pitty - but show and people were great !

Czekh republic - Konopište-  Central European Sighthound Show and Special Sighthound Show - weekend in great company ! Hot Summer and new friends :D

 On the way to Sweden :D

Konopište weekend

6. avgust 2018

Ninochka's Dorogoj Drug - Dante

SLO: Slike povedo vse - Dante uživa svoje novo življenje v Belgiji.
Se strinjate ?

ENG: Photos do not need any comment -  Dante enjoy his new life in Belgium.
 Agree ?

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...