22. maj 2012

Speciality Club Show- World Club Winner- Austrian Sighthound Club - Schloss Anif 19.5.2012

Zoya winning CAC in working class

On the move....
World Club Winners: Ch Zloty Laur Stepowy Goniec & Ch Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B.

SLO: V soboto 19.5. 2012 je avtrijski klub za hrte organiziral specialno razstavo za naslov Svetovnega klubskega prvaka. Sodnica je bila Zilli Orietta iz Italije. Zoya je osvojila CAC v razredu delovnih in postala tudi Svetovna Klubska prvakinja, BOS in kasneje še R.BIS med hrti, ki so bili v razredu delovnih! Več kot odličen zaključek vikenda v Avstriji ! Čestitke tudi Belli (Bosrcana Archenemy - lastnik družina Hrženjak ) ki je osvojila naslov najlepšega najmlajšega psa specialne razstave !  Hvala vsem prijateljem za čudovito druženje in več kot prijeten dan v čarobnem okolju posestva gradu Anif :-)) Se vidimo kmalu !

Zoya's R.BIS in Working class - photo: Katja Mikula

ENG: On Saturday MAy 19th - The Austrian Sigthound Club organized Speciality Show for World Club Winner Title. Judge was Mrs. Zilli Orietta from Italy. Zoya was great - achiving CAC in working class and alsmo becam World Club winner and BOS! In best in Show ring she was later also R.BIS among Sighthounds in working class ! It was fantastic ending of very sucessfull weeken in Austria ! Also BIG Congratulations to Bella (Borscana Archenemy - owner family Hrženjak ) for beiing BIS puppy ! Thanks to all friends for fantastic company during this weekend and for fantastic day in a beyutifull Park of Schloss Anif ;-))) See U soon !


BOB line from left: BOB World Clubshow Youth Winner Bel Etual Aleksandr Nevskiy, Worldclubshow Winner Zloty Laur Stepowy Goniec ,World Clubshow Youth Winner Pursuit of Love Sokolow,Worldclubshow Winner Ninochka's Zoya By H.R.I.B.

Males /Youth Class

1EXC BOB World Clubshow Youth Winner  Bel Etual Aleksandr Nevskiy B./O.: E. Bleze
2EXC Dober-Kopp Nomen Est Omen  B.: A. Koppany O.: L. Kutvolgyi
3EXC Exlibris Canes Seryi Dumjan  B.: J. Kruus/E. Kasmann O.: E. Kasmann
4EXC Pobedim Sokolow B./O. : G. Schmid

Intermedia Class

absent Yegor Spirit of the Tsar B : E. Titze O. : M. Kain

Open Class

1EXC CACA Bel Etual Florizel B.: E. Parichenko O.: E. Bleze
2EXC RCACA Mistral Sirfenix B./O. L. Bourdeleva
3EXC Beyond Belief Royal Lily B.: A. Portesova O.: U. Vagina
4EXC Dober-Kopp Africa Express Br.: A. Koppány O.: A. Kovacs

Champion Class
1EXC CACA Worldclubshow Winner Zloty Laur Stepowy Goniec Br. : K. Rychlik O. : L. Barwitzki
2EXC RCACA Karakusch vom Sölring Hus Br. : H.u.I.C. Neumann O. : M. Kain
3EXC Rabarbar z Jurajskich Biskupic Br./O.: A. Juszczyk
4EXC Silver Seraph Sokolow B./O.: G. Schmid
EXC Bel Etual Razvoaly Molodets B: Parichenko+ Smirnova O : Bleze Elena

Puppy Class

1VP - BIS PUPPY   Borscana Archenemy B.: L. Edland O.: F. Hrzenjak

Youth Class

1EXC World Clubshow Youth Winner Pursuit of Love Sokolow B./O. : G. Schmid
2EXC Platina Sokolow B. : G. Schmid O.: H. Isler
3EXC Grande Bretagne du Grand Fresnoy B.: M.H. Combis O.: B. Razpotnik

Intermedia Class

1EXC CACA Aida Brnova B.: O. Slovackova O.: M. Kain
2EXC RCACA Alinka z Jurajskich Biskupic B./O.: A. Juszczyk
3EXC Anuszka z Jurajskich Biskupic B.: A. Juszczyk O.: G. Schalenbourg

Open Class
1EXC CACA Moondance Milovna Sokolow B./O.: G. Schmid
2EXC RCACA Funny Girl Stepowy Goniec B. : Rychlik O.: M. Koszarek
3EXC Galka Helene vom Schloss Perchino B.: A. Gruber O.: A.S. Geisselhofer
4EXC Dober-Kopp Fabulous Dancer B.: A. Koppany O.: A. Szabo

Absent Bel Etual F.Miroslava B.: E. Parichenko O.: E. Bleze
Absent Rhapsody in Silver Sokolow B./O.: G. Schmid

Working Class

1EXC CACA Worldclubshow Winner Ninochka's Zoya By H.R.I.B. B./O.: A. Novak

Champion Class

1EXC CACA Sumatra Ladyfenix B./O.: L. Bourdeleva
2EXC RCACA Her Majesty Stepowy Goniec B.: K. Rychlik O.: L. Barwitzki
3EXC Moonlight Meteliza Sokolow B./O.: Gabriele Schmid
Absent Russkiy Azart Nais B.: M. Lazareva O: U. Zilken

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SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...