SLO: Nedeljsko dopoldne smo preživeli na Gorenjskem - v Hrušici smo navijali za Veruško in Maksima. Maksim -
Ailica's Idali at Ninochka's je dobil oceno odlično 2 v razredu mladih ( lastnica Darka Sukič ) , medtem ko je
Ninochka's Veruschka ( lastnica Vida Klenovšek) v razredu delovnih osvojila CAC in BOB. BRAVO PUNCI !!
Maksim & Darka
Vida & Veruschka in the ring
ENG: we spent Sunday afteroon in Hrušica- it was CAC show for all breeds. Great results for Veruška and Maksim. Maksim -
Ailica's Idali at Ninochka's ( owner Darka Sukič ) was exc. 2 in junior class, while
Ninochka's Veruschka got CAC and BOB in Working class ( owner Vida Klenovšek ). GREAT RESULTS GIRLS!
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