SLO: Poletje 2003. Pred več kot dvajsetimi leti, ko je bila mala Uša ( Multi ch Ninochka's Uvertura ) mladiček .
Generacije na sliki: Mala Uša, zlata Tara ( Multi Ch Ninochka's Tcarodeika ) - Ušina mama. Levo - zadaj črno - bela Saiga ( Ch Ninochkina Strelka ) - bila je Tarina mama in Ušina babica. Oba v lasti prijateljice Sonje Kosanc
In brindle fant zadaj je Harry - Multi Ch Haroschij von Schloss Olef - Harry Krasin pra pra pradedek . Čas prehitro mineva
ENG: Summer 2003. Long time ago, when little Uša ( Multi ch Ninochka's Uvertura ) was puppy . Generation on photo: Little Uša, golden Tara ( Multi Ch Ninochka's Tcarodeika ) - Uša's mom. Left - black & white Saiga ( Ch Ninochka's Strelka ) - she was Tara's mom and Uša's grandmom. Both owned by dear friend
Sonja Kosanc And brindle boy behind is Harry - Multi Ch Haroschij von Schloss Olef - Harry is our Krasa's grand grand grand grand father . Time passes too quickly !
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