18. junij 2012

CACIB BLED 17.06.2012 - Ailicia's Idali at Ninochka's

SLO: Maksim je včeraj na mednarodni razstavi CACIB Bled osvojil naslov Prvak razreda mladih - Bravo Darka in Maksim !
 In the Show Ring ......
and after HOTT show day...... :-)

ENG: Yesterday was International Show CACIB Bled and Maksim got his first Winner of the Young class title. Congratulation Darka and Maksim !

14. junij 2012

Diary - European Lure Coursing Championship - Dunakeszi, Hungary 2012

ENG: Finnaly back :-)

Our National team - from left: Halle Berry Komarska ,whippet - Petra Dolanec
My Camelot Maioui ,whippet -Andrej Kerpan

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B borzoi - Andreja Novak
Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on Manhattan greyhound -Helena Gruden
Ninochka's Veruschka borzoi -Vida Klenovšek

Thursday: 06/07/2012 Our travel to Hungary Vida and I already started on Thursday morning because we had already Thursday afternoon inspection, prior to the competition on Friday. Location of the venue was on the NE side of Budapest, which meant that we were there passing the city center, because there is no bypass :-( Well - after visits to various city attractions (we managed to find the red street lights :-))), we PASS the placewithound any sign, how to get there :-(. Indeed we have been fortunate that from the side from where we lead, there were no marks ... when we finally find the entrance, we set up "base" camp and look round in peace. After veterinary examination, which lasted from 16.00. - 18.00, was the opening championship with teams participating - and I felt as if it was what football championship: flags, emblems, fan props are mixed colors of hot air - it must have added a fan vuvuzele and trumpets. I admit that I put up metal pretreatment and that this takes magic atmosphere! Opening is also attending as a guest Mr.. Uwe Fisher from Germany - a longtime sighthound judge from Germany, well nown in Europe and worldwide. After finishing the opening we went to the city center, where we wait to be welcomed the Mayor: Well, almost an hour walk and hold the town hall was empty - no Mayor to welcome - and we went back to the scene. Before the end of the day it was announced in a meeting with the Team Leaders of teams and the organizers were unable to find enough chairs (we moved in the hospitality tent), so we can focus on race. The problems were with the racing field, which was crisscrossed with holes, deep, up to half a meter: still do not know whether they have made a hare, badger or prairie dogs. The competition was held in the huge hippodrome, where he was on the one hand galopska track, on the other hand, a huge field for competition in military. On the upper side is bordered on the airport property gliders. The soil was dry, sandy sandy, full of barbed Delicate and urchins. At the meeting we reviewed the list of missing dogs, racing books submitted for the next day, and organizers prommised that hols will be covered, .... because we were overtaken by darkness, we ended the meeting by the light of our mobile phones :-( But first, we agreed that the morning meeting of the TL at 7:00, where we get ahead of pairs for the next match. Time was already half past ten in the evening when Vida and I (and Zoya and Veruschka) went to find hotel - luckily, was only half an hour away :-).

 Germany had the biggest Team...
 On The walk towards City Centre...
 day 1 - behind you can see huge camping place and  parking place

Our base Camp :-)
Friday 06/08/2012 - Racing day for the breeds: Borzois, Irish Wolfhound, Deerhound, Azawakh and Galgo Espanjol

 The morning meeting (start with a delay) - we get Schedule: Zoya was in line early - as the second  pair of racing, and Veruschka was scheduled as 18th verus Russian bitch. We ran the first competitive field, which was technically quite demanding, closed layout with quite sharp bends - length approx. 800 meters. Day was already showing hot side  - the sky was cloudless, placepf competition  is warmed as it is in the tank: I realized why the airport in addition to gliders - all the hot air from the floor puhtel skyward and lifted them into the cold sky. .... we initially infernal heat. When Zoya was called to the start, we found that female, which should run with is not on start ( the organizers forgot to delete her from the list because it has been reported that it is not present ) and so had to run solo . Veruschka was in competition with the Russian female, both are very well done with the line, in the end Veruschka was successfuly finnished. Despite the rules for European competitions it was no  verify the identity of the dog at the start and no doping control. After the first run, we freshed our dogs with  liters of water - literally, we'd swim and kept in the shade - but it was not cold. Temperatures are rising and stood in the shade over 35 C and the sun over 48 C. In a meeting after the first run, we decided to meet again at 16.oo and check  the temperature. Worst heat we lived in a tent eyeshadows and a chat with friends. The meeting at 16.00 was decided that veterinarian authorized by running the longest possible variant of 300 m. This  would not be enough to do regular Coursing, so it was no second ru.  Zoya finnished as 35th and Veruschka was 32th. At 19.00 it was award winners ceremony and after  meeting and preparation of the next day. In afternoon hours has increased our team: Helena and Nil came for inspection  vet. arrived, and also the team pf whippets arrived:(Hali and Tita, and Petra, Sabine, Jona, Andrej, Marko and Bostjan) .
Saturday 06.09.2012 - competition day for the breeds: Afghan hound, Saluki, Greyhound and Sloughi

The morning meeting was announced at the time of 6.00 - that would be the race began at 7:00 am - because again, the predicted canine fever. Nile had a 39th run on a schedule - and he dona more than great task! After the first run he was in fourth place! The second run was postponed because of the heat in the late afternoon hours (although the heat was not as "murderous" than the day before) and the Nil finished second run a little after 20:00, when Vida and I were already on the way home. On the evening of granting rain and strong planks, the Nil was placed at sixth place and it was joy without end!!. But here was started some total collapse of the system - adding points wrong, correcting the results after the declaration, total farce! This happened also with the Greyhounds -it was one disquakification and Nil was scored a perfect fifth place!
Sunday: 10.6. 2012 - the last racing day - scheduled day for: Whippets, Piccolo Levriero Italiano, Chart Polski and Magyar agar as well dogs from V. FCI group
Sunday started cloudy weather and more friendly to contestants who have also started the race at 7:00 .. Tita and Hali have done an excellent job in very tough competition and won the 34th and 48 th place - announcement of the results was almost at midnight.
I would like to thank you all - the whole team for a wonderful weekend (although very poorly organized tournament) and I hope that next year will be in Germany still outnumbered team :-) Given that five years ago (2007) in Switzerland, went 2-member team ( whippet female Bistra Komarska and borzoi female Ninochka's Uvertura) and the team we now have more than doubled, we can be in 5 years 20! Over 2 years, the European LC Championships in Italy. The results of this year can be viewed at: http://www.eurocoursing2012.hu/en/results.htm - unfortunately, are still today only from the first day;-(. More photos on FB >>>
 Zoya on Run ....
 Catching the rabbit...
1 . JELISTAZ SOLOVEĎ owner: Hascoet, Annie & Alain F
2. Turgai's Jaltai owner: Wittka, Uwe & Elke D
3 . Turgai's Korol owner: Wittka, Uwe & Elke D
5 . Kuskaya's Galan owner: Rüttimann, Jeanette CH
6 . SOKOL&SOKOL YASNY owner: Zueva, M. RUS
1. Uliia Tsar Borzois owner: Mayer, Herbert A
2. BLAGOST Mraja owner: Mrázová, Jana SK
3 . Turgai's Jolie (JJ) owner: Jordi, Fritz & Evelyne CH
4. BARYCHNIA DES CROCS DE LA MOLIERE owner: van den Brule - Kolbasin B
5 . Tarasov's Habanera owner: Gyllenswärd, Elisabeth S
6 . Dashkova owner: Zanieri, Luca I


Dnevniški zapisi - Blog diary: European Coursing Championship - Dunakeszi; Hungary 7-10.6.2012

SLO:  No - končno smo prišli malo k sebi od preteklega vikenda :-)

od leve- from left:  Halle Berry Komarska ,whippet - Petra Dolanec
 My Camelot Maioui ,whippet -Andrej Kerpan
Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B borzoi - Andreja Novak
 Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on Manhattan greyhound -Helena Gruden
Ninochka's Veruschka borzoi -Vida Klenovšek
Četrtek: 7.6.2012  Potovanje sva z Vido pričeli že v četrtek dopoldne, saj smo imeli v četrtek popoldne že veterinarski pregled, pred tekmovanjem v petek. lokacija prizorišča je bila na SV strani Budimpešte, kar je pomenilo, da smo se tja prebijali skozi center mesta, ker obvoznice ni :-( No - po ogledih raznih mestnih znamenitosti ( uspele sva najti tudi ulico rdečih luči :-))), sva se pripeljeli MIMO prizorišča in ugotavljali, kako naj prideva do tja. Imeli sva namreč to srečo, da iz tiste strani, od koder sva pripeljali, ni bilo nobenih oznak...ko sva končno našli vhod, sva postavili "bazni " tabor in se v miru razgledali naokoli. Po veterinarskem pregledu, ki je trajal  od 16.00. - 18.00, je bila otvoritev prvenstva z sodelujočimi reprezentancami - in počutila sem se tako, kot bi bila na kakšni nogometni tekmi: zastave, grbi, navijaški rekviziti so mešali barve vročega ozračja - svoje pa so dodale še navijaške vuvuzele in trobente. Priznam, da so se mi postavile kocine pokonci in da te prevzame euforično vzdušje! Otvoritvi je kot gost prisostvoval tudi g. Uwe Fisher iz Nemčije - dolgoletna sodniška eminenca hrtovskega sveta v Nemčiji, Evropi pa tudi v svetu. Po končani otvoritvi smo odšli proti mestnemu središču, kjer naj bi nas pred mestno hišo pozdravil župan: no, skoraj po 1 urnem sprehodu in čakanju pred mestno hišo, ni bilo nikogar in smo odšli nazaj na prizorišče. Pred koncem dne, je bil napovedan še sestanek Team Leaderjev ekip z organizatorji in ko smo uspeli najti dovolj stolov ( preselili smo se v gostinski šotor ), smo se lahko posvetili tekmi. Težave so bile z dirkalnim poljem, ki je bilo prepredeno z luknjami, globokimi tudi do pol metra: še danes ne vem, ali so jih naredili zajci, jazbeci ali prerijski psi. Tekmovanje je namreč potekalo na ogromnem hipodromu, kjer je bila na eni strani galopska steza, na drugi strani pa ogromno polje za tekmovanje v militariju. Na zgornji strani pa je posest mejila na letališče jadralnih letal. Sestava tal je bila suha, peščeno mivkasta, polna bodečih než in ježkov. Na sestanku smo pregledali seznam manjkajočih psov, oddali tekmovalne knjižice za naslednji dan, organizatorjiso nam obljubili, da bodo luknje zakrite,.... ker pa nas je prehitela tema, smo sestanek končali ob svetlobi naših mobilnih aparatov :-( Še prej smo se dogovorili, da bo jutranji sestanek TL ob 7.00, kjer bomo dobili razpred parov za jutrišnjo tekmo. Ura je bila že pol desetih zvečer, ko sva se z Vido ( in Zoyo ter Verušo ) odpravili poiskati hotel - na srečo, je bil samo pol ure stran :-).
 zbiranje udeležencev - opening ceremony
 najštevilčnejša je bila nemška ekipa - the biggest team was from Germany
pohod proti mestni hiši - walk towards City hall - team Denmark

day 1 - behind you can see huge campin & parking place

Our  base Camp :-)

Petek: 8.6.2012 - temovalni dan za pasme: Borzoj, Irski volčji hrt, Deerhound, Azawakh in Galgo ; Na jutranjem sestanku ( začel se je z zamudo ) , smo dobili razporede tekem: Zoya je bila na vrsti že kot 2. tekmovalni par, Veruša pa kot 18. - tekli pa smo na prvem tekmovalnem polju, ki je bil tehnično precej zahteven, zaprte postavitve z precej ostrimi zavoji - dolžine cca. 800 mestrov. Dan je napovedoval vročino - nebo je bilo brez oblačka, zemlja na tekmovališču pa se je segrevala kot v kotlu: mi je postalo jasno, zakaj je poleg letališče jadralnih letal - ves vroč zrak je s tal puhtel proti nebu in jih dvigoval v hladne višave..... mi pa na začetku peklenske vročine. Ko je bila Zoya klicana na štart, smo ugotovili, da psice, ki bi morala teči z njo ni na štartu ( organizatorji so jo pozabili brisati iz seznama, ker je bilo javljeno, da je ni ) in tako je morala odteči solo tek :-( - po predhodni zmešnjevi, ko niso vedeli, ali naj tečejo hkrati 3 psi ali solo. Veruša je bila v konkurenci z rusko psico, obe sta prav dobro opravili z progo, na koncu je bila Veruša za točko uspešnejša. Kljub pravilom za evropska tekmovanja, ni bilo preverjanja identitete psov na štartu in ne doping kontrole. Po končanem prvem teku sva z Vido hladili psice z litri vode - dobesedno sva ju okopali in držali v senci - hladu pač ni bilo. Temperature so naraščale in se ustavile v senci čez 35 C in na soncu čez 48 C. na sestanku po prvem teku smo se odločili, da se ponovno snidemo ob 16.oo in preverimo, kakšne so temperature. Najhujšo vročino smo preživljali v senčki šotora in ob klepetu z prijatelji. na sestanku ob 16.00 pa je veterinar dovolil tek v najdaljši možni varianti 300 m. Ker na taki dolžini coursinga pač ne moreš organizirati, drugega teka ni bilo in obveljali so rezultati prvega teka: Veruša 32. in Zoya 35. ob 19.00 je sledila podelitev zmagovalcem prvega dne in po podelitvi ponoven sestanek in priprava tekme naslednjega dne. V popodanskih urah se je naša ekipa povečala: helena in Nila sta prišla na veterinarski pregled - prispela pa je tudi ekipa whippetašev (Tita in Hali, ter Petra, Sabine, Jona, Andrej , Marko in Boštjan ).

 Zoya's run.....
Veruschka on start....


1 . JELISTAZ SOLOVEĎ owner: Hascoet, Annie & Alain F

2. Turgai's Jaltai owner: Wittka, Uwe & Elke D

3 . Turgai's Korol owner: Wittka, Uwe & Elke D


5 . Kuskaya's Galan owner: Rüttimann, Jeanette CH

6 . SOKOL&SOKOL YASNY owner: Zueva, M. RUS

1. Uliia Tsar Borzois owner: Mayer, Herbert A

2. BLAGOST Mraja owner: Mrázová, Jana SK

3 . Turgai's Jolie (JJ) owner: Jordi, Fritz & Evelyne CH

4. BARYCHNIA DES CROCS DE LA MOLIERE owner: van den Brule - Kolbasin B

5 . Tarasov's Habanera owner: Gyllenswärd, Elisabeth S

6 . Dashkova owner: Zanieri, Luca I
Sobota: 9.6.2012 - tekmovalni dan za pasme:afganistanski hrt, saluki, greyhound in sloughi
Jutranji sestanek je bil napovedan že ob 6.00 - da bi lahko z tekmovanjem začeli že ob 7.00 - kajti ponovno se je napovedovala pasja vročina. Nil je imel 39. tek po razporedu -  in ga je več kot odlično opravil ! Po prvem teko je bil na četrtem mestu !  Drugi tek je bil zaradi vročine prestavljen v pozne popoldanske ure ( čeprav vročina ni bila več tako " morilska" kot dan poprej ) in Nil je zaključil drugi tek malo po 20.00 uri, ko sva bili z Vido že na poti domov. Na večerni podelitvi in močni deževni plohi, je bil Nil uvrščen na 6. mesto in veselju ni bilo konca. Ampak tukaj se je pa pričel totalen razpad sistema - napačno seštevanje točk, popravki rezultatov po razglasitvi, naknadne diskvalifikajice - totalna farsa! Tako je bilo tudi pri greyhoundih - in Nil je na koncu osvojil odlično 5. mesto !!

                                        Nil  on start
Nedelja: 10.6. 2012 - zadnji tekmovalni dan za: whippete, male italijanske hrte, poljske in madžarske hrte ter pse V. FCI skupine
Nedelja se je pričela oblačno in bolj vremensko prijazna za tekmovalce, ki so tudi pričeli z tekmovanjem ob 7.00 zjuraj. tita in Halo sta opravili odlično delo v izredno močni konkurenci in osvojili 34. in 48. mesto - razglasitev rezultatov pa je bila skoraj ob polnoči. Hvala celotni ekipi za čudovit konec tedna ( kljub zelo slabo organiziranemu prvenstvu ) in upam, da se bo naslednje leto v Nemčijo odpravila še številčnejša ekipa :-) Glede na to, da je pred petimi leti ( 2007 ) v Švico odpotovala 2 članska ekipa ( whippetka Bistra Komarska  in borzojka Ninochka's Uvertura ) in smo sedaj ekipo več kot podvojili,  nas je lahko čez 5 let 20 !!! čez 2 leti pa je evropsko prvenstvo v LC v Italiji. Rezultate si lahko ogledate na spletni strani: http://www.eurocoursing2012.hu/en/results.htm - na žalost so na današnji dan še vedno samo od prvega dne ;-(. Več slik pa na FB strani >>>

6. junij 2012

Prihajajoče evropsko prvenstvo v Coursingu - Upcoming European Lure Coursing Championship - Hungary 8.-10.6.2012

SLO: Na sobotni državni tekmi v coursingu se je predstavila tudi državna reprezentanca, ki bo zastopala barve Slovenije ta konec tedna na Madžarskem.
Sponzor Slovenske reprezentance na Evropskem prvenstvu v LC, ki se bo odvijal od 8 - 10 Junija 2012, na Madžarskem (Dunakezsi), je podjetje Avanturist d.o.o.http://www.avanturist.si/ / ARDEN GRANGE http://www.ardengrange.si/ - PERFORMANCE hrana za delovne pse.
Podjetje Iris d.o.o. http://www.iris.si/ je sponzorsko prispevalo izdelke NUTRISAL - prehrambeni dodatek!

Zahvaljujemo se tudi Kinološki zvezi Slovenije za reprezentančne trenirke in Slovenskemu klubu za hrte, ki nas je opremil z klubskimi majčkami.

Slovensko reprezentanco na Evropskem Lure Coursing prvenstvu sestavljajo (iz desne proti levi):

1. Halle Berry Komarska (whippet samička), lastnica Petra Dolanec

2. My Camelot Maioui (whippet samička), lastnik Andrej Kerpan

3. Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on Manhattan (greyhound samček), lastnica Helena Gruden

4. Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B (borzoi samička), lastnica Andreja Novak

5. Ninochka's Veruschka (borzoi samička), lastnica Vida Klenovšek

Še enkrat hvala vsem, ki ste nam pomagali pri tem projektu in srečno vsem tekmovalcem!

PROGRAM TEKMOVANJA IN STATISTIKA - več na: http://www.eurocoursing2012.hu/en/statistic.htm

Maksim with new friend :-)

                                            Zoya in her style:-)))))

In še nekaj utrinkov iz sobotne tekme, kjer je imela Zoya trening, Maksim pa je spoznaval nove prijatelje :-)
Photo credit: Vida Klenovšek in Petra Dolanec

ENG: Slovenian National team for upcoming European Lure Coursing Championship was presented at CACL Coursing on Saturday, June 2nd. Thank you all sponsors, who help us with this project: Avanturist d.o.o.http://www.avanturist.si/ / ARDEN GRANGE http://www.ardengrange.si/ - PERFORMANCE for working dogs and Iris d.o.o. http://www.iris.si/ for NUTRISAL .
You can see programm and statistic for Hungary at: http://www.eurocoursing2012.hu/en/statistic.htm

Saturday was training day for Zoya and "meeting new friends " for Maksmim :-) thank you Vida Klenovšek and Petra Dolanec for photos :-)

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