Coursing training on Sunday - still a bit cloudy....
Zoya after few rounds of full speed - need to cool down :-)
So many nice thinks !
Vihra resting.....
So many nice thinks !
Vihra resting.....
Luka :-)
Anže and pumpkins...
On the walk...
Pit Stop at neightbour place...
Colours !!
Pumpkins :-)
our house...
Coming home from morning walk
Countryside landscaping.....
Morning walk with dogs...
Green is mixing with yellow....
Pumpkin yellow in the woods :-)
And some bronz as well...
SLO: Resnično je fino uživati podaljšan vikend, sploh, če je lepo vreme. Praznovali smo Anžetov 4. rojstni dan in imeli polno hišo obiskov :-). Včeraj - v nedeljo smo se sprostili na treningu coursinga , danes, pa smo več kot uživali na sprehodu: tako jesen imam rada- barvito, sončno, v prelivajočih barvah ! Na takem sprehodu uživajo otroci in psi :-) Danes je noč čarovnic in izrezali smo buče !
Jutri je 1.november. Jutri gremo prižgati svečke tistim, ki jih najbolj pogrešam. In jutri pride iz Nemčije Maksim :-)
ENG: It is fantastic enjoying longer weekend, and if the weather is nice is even better. Celebrating Anže's 4th Birthday and having full house :-) Yesterday - on Sunday, we relax on coursing training and today we enjoy on walk: I LIKE Autumn like this: sunny, full of colours, beautiful landscape painted by Natur! Childrens and dogs are enjoying walk like this:-) It is Halloween and we cut some pumpkings !
Tommorow is November 1st. Tommorow will go and put some candels to those I missed them a lot. And Tommorow Maksim in coming from Germany :-)
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