28. september 2011

Ch Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. - New Champion Title

Slovenian, Croatian & Serbian Champion - Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. ( Javor od Krnića iz Džakova & Ch Tarasov's Eleganza at Ninochka's - owner: Fam. Hrženjak

All photos: Kaja Rozman

SLO: Odlične novice : Zen - Ch Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. je v vikendu 24.in 25.9.2011 v Srbiji osvojil : 24.09.2011 CACIB Požarevac - CAC,CACIB, BOB & BOG 1 sodnik Tijana Konrad ( SRB ). 25.09.2011 CACIB NOVI SAD - CAC.CACIB,BOB, BOG 3 sodnik Nenad Davidović ( SRB ). S tem je postal tudi prvak Srbije :-) Čestitke družini Hrženjak , Uli za odlično predstavitev Zena in Kaji za fotografije !

ENG: Great News !! Zen- Ch Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. is now Serbian Champion, too: winning on 24.09.2011 CACIB POŽAREVAC - CAC,CACIB; BOB, BOG 1 - judge Tijana Konrad ( SRB ) and 25.09.2011 CACIB NOVI SAD - CAC,CACIB.BOB,BOG 3 - judge Nenad Davidović (SRB ). Congratulations to fam. Hrženjak, Uli for great handling and Kaja for photos !

26. september 2011

CACIL COURSING - Padova 25-09-2011

Zoya on run....
Helena & Nil

3 tired muscetirs: Nila & Zoya & Luka

Zoya - tired after run... in a sheadow of beatutiful Al Bosco agroturuismo, where coursing took place

SLO: Nedeljo smo preživeli v okolici Padove, kjer so organizirali 1.mednarodni CACIL Coursing. V katalogu je bilo prijavljenih 7 borzojev, na štartu se jih je pojavilo 5. Proga je bila zahtevna, z ostrimi obrati, vendar sta Zoya in Nil ( greyhound Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on MAnhatan lastnice Helena Gruden ) ) kljub vročini (30 C ) delo odlično opravila: Zoya je osvojila 2. mesto in R.CACL, Nil pa je med 3 greyhoundu osvojil 1. mesto in CACL. Zadovoljni, utrujeni in ogoreli od poletnega sonca, smo se odpravili prosti domu :-)

ENG: We spend Sunday near PAdova, where 1st international CACIL Coursing took place. In the catalogue was 7 borzois, but on start 5 of them. Course was quite hard for big breeds - quite sharp corners - But Zoya and Nil ( greyhound Happy Hunter's Nightfalls on Manhatan ) did a great job inspite hot weather ( 30 C ): Zoya was 2nd achiving RCACL title, Nil was 1st - getting CACL title ( 3 greyhounds on start ). Happy, tired and a little sunburned we came home :-)

12. september 2011

CACL DOLSKO 4.09.2011

Foto: Blaž Košak - Blayo

foto: Sonja Zajc

SLO: Nedelja je bila VROČA, kljub vsemu samo se odlično zabavali na 3 . državnem coursingu. Sodnik je bil Andrej Kerpan iz Slovenije. Lep dan, odlična organizacija kluba za hrte in veslje ob osvojenem prvem mestu Zoye :-) Se vidimo na nasednjih coursingih !

ENG: It was HOT Sunday, but we had great time at 3rd Nationa CACL coursing. Judge was Andrej Kerpan from Slovenija. It was great atmosfere, excellent organization and we were happy for Zoya finnished on 1st place ! See You on next race !

Show WEEKEND Zagreb 2024 : 2 x Hrvaški prvak v lepoti // 2 NEW Croatian Beauty Champions!

                                                                       We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...