17. avgust 2010

Weekend in Grafenegg, Austria - EuroSighthound 2010


Show place
BIS ring Junior Class - Saturday

Next EuroSighthoud Winner Show - Italy 2011

BIS EuroSighthound Winner 2010

one of the BIS awards

BOB Sunday - Ch Dober Kopp Panon Virag

BOB EuroSighthound Winner - Saturday Ch Kuskaya's Geisha

SLO: Vikend 14. in 15. avgusta smo preživeli v Avstriji, kamor smo se z Vido ( Petiit BIS sponzor) in Zoyo odpravile na EuroSighthound Winner 2010 ( sobota ) in nedeljsko klubsko razstavo avstrijskega kluba za hrte. Razstava je potekala v čudovitem parku grajskega posestva GRAFENEGG, ki slovi po znamenitem glasbenem festivalu. V obeh dneh je bilo v katalogu 35 borzojev. Prvi dan je sodila ga. Gabrielle Schroeter iz Nemčije - Zoya je v razredu zrelih psic dosegla odlično 2. mesto in R. CAC. BOB je postala Ch Kuskaya's Geisha. V nedeljo je sodil sodnik iz Francije - g. Gruenheid. Zoya je osvojila 1.mesto v razredu zrelih psic in naslov CAC, BOB pa je ponovno pripadel psici - tokrat iz razreda veteanov Ch Dober-Koppp Panon Virag.

ENG: Weekend in August - 14. & 15 th we enjoy in Austria, where togerther with Vida ( Petiit was sponsor of BIS ) and Zoya were traveling to Eurosighthound Winner Show 2010, which was held in Austria, in a beautifull park on GRAFENEGG estate. It was 35 borzois in catalogue - both days. First day - Saturday EuroSighthound Show judge was Mrs. Gabrielle Schroeter from Germany: Zoya was Ex 2 and R.CAC in open class, BOB went to Champion bitch Ch Kuskaya's Geisha. Next day on Club Show the judge was Mr. Gruenheid from France. Zoya won open class and CAC title, BOB went to another female - Winner of veteran Class Ch Dober - Kopp Panon Virag.

9. avgust 2010


Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. Beauty & performance Winner for 2010
Zoya after run --- so tired :-)

Who will win ??

Waiting on results...

Zoya & Veruschka waiting on results...
Veruschka after beauty bath...

Where is the rabbit ?

tired, too.....

Azawakh winners


Afgan winners

SLO: V nedeljo smo se udeležili CACIL coursinga na Slovaškem, ki je štel za kombinacijo z klubsko specialno razstavo 4.7.2010 v Topolčianky. Prijavljenih je bilo 84 hrtov, od tega 15 borzojev. Na koncu je bilo uvrščenih 13 borzojev, odlično pa sta se odrezali Ninochka's Veruschka z 5.mestom in Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. z 4. mestom . Zoya je osvojila tudi skupni pokal v lepoti in delu za leto 2010 na Slovaškem. Preživeli smo prijetno nedeljo v lepem vremenu in se "pasje" utrujeni vrnili domov v poznih nočnih urah. Vida in Veruška - hvala za nadvse prijetno družbo in na svidenje na naslednjem coursingu :-)

ENG: We spent Sunday in Slovakia - it was GRAND PRIX Bratislava - CACIL COURSING - which also count for Beauty & Performance Combination with Club Show in Topolčianky on July 4th. It was 84 Sighthounds on start list - among them 15 borzois ! 13 of them finnished the race with excellent results of our girls: Ninochka's Veruschka was placed 5th and Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. was placed 4th . Zoya also won Beauty & Performence award for year 2010 from Slovakian Club. It was very nice Sunday in sunny Bratislava. We came home very late at night - tired as "dogs". Vida & Verushka - thank you for nice company and see U on next coursing :-))

1. avgust 2010

Vse najboljše Tara ! Happy Birthday Tara !

Ch Int, Slo, Cro & Aut Ninochka's Tcharodeika - Tara
( Ch Effim von Schloss Olef & Ch Ninochka's Strelka )

Naša Tara danes praznuje 12 let - vse najboljše :-)

Our Tara celebrating 12th Birthday - Happy Birthday :-)

Show WEEKEND Zagreb 2024 : 2 x Hrvaški prvak v lepoti // 2 NEW Croatian Beauty Champions!

                                                                       We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...