11. julij 2010

Topoľčianky - 3.& 4. 7. 2010

SLO: Prvi vikend v juliju smo z nečakinjo Saro ter Vihro in Zojo preživela na Slovaškem. Obiskale smo mestece Topolčianky, kjer je bila v soboto specialna razstava Central European Sighthound Show, v nedeljo pa klubska razstava slovaškega kluba za hrte. Razstavo je gostil grad Toplčianky, kjer je tudi državna kobilarna. Kobilarna je bila ustanovljena leta 1921. Osnova za vzrejo so bile kobile iz Lipice, ki so bile po koncu 1.svetovne vojne v Kladrubu in nekaj žrebcev iz Fargasa in Lipice.

Grad Topolčianky je danes čudovit hotel in leži v osrčju mogočnega parka. Najstarejša arhitektura gradu izhaja iz 13 stoletja. V 16. stoletju je grad večkrat padel pod turškimi vpadi in bil tudi večkrat požgan in uničen. Jan Topolčiansky - znan tudi kot " Turk Fighter" je dal grad obnoviti po njegovih originalnih temeljih. Zadnji izmed plamiških lastnikov gradu je bil Joseph August Habsburg s svojo ženo Augusto - daljnega leta 1890. Par je živel v gradu vse do leta 1918, koje bila ustanovljena prva Češkoslovaška republika. grad je bil nacionaliziran in je postal poletna rezidenca predsednika republike. Danes je grad popolnoma obnovljen in služi kot hotel.

ENG: First weekend in July we spend in Topolčianky - beautifull place in Slovakia, together with my niece Sara , Zoya & Vihra. In Saturday was Central European Sighthound Show, while on Sunday aws Spaciality Club Show of Slovakian Club for Sighthounds. Show ground was infront beautifull castel Topolčianky, where is also Fameus horse stable. Foundation for Topolčianky horse stable were females from Lipica ( Slovenia), who stayed in Kladrub after first world war.

Archelogical research was caarried out in 1990 in the court yard of the chateu and uncivered the foundations of the oldest stone of arhitecture from the 13th Century. In he 16th Century Topolčianky was in the reach of Turkish raids and as a result it was burned many times. jan Topolčianly - lord of the chateau also knows as " Turk fighter ", had the Chateau rebuild it on his original foundations. The last noble owner of the castle was the Archduke joseph August Habsburg and his wife Archduchess Augusta , after 1890. The couple had lived in the castle until 1918, when the first Czekoslovak Republik was establised. the castle was nationalized and became teh summer residence of President of the Republic. Today the castle is a beautifull hotel .

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