24. januar 2010

CACIB BERGAMO ( Milano ) 23.01.2010

from left. BOS - Dobber Kopp Charmos Saci & BOB Russkiy Azart Optimist Premier Maksimum

BOB male

Russkiy Azart Optimist Premier Maksimum ( Ch Borscana Hardcore Superstar & Ch Eleghiya Prekrasnaya Mecta )

CAC & CACIB Male Russkiy Azart Nektar

CACIB female Dober Kopp Charmos Saci

( Dober Kopp Pannon Zoltan & Ch Oriana Az Aftab Faizabat )

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. CAC, R.CACIB

SLO: Včeraj smo bili v Milanu - na tradicionalni januarski razstavi, ki je bila letos prvič na novem razstavišču Fiera Milano, ki je gostil dvodnevno CACIB razstavo. Prav nič nisem bila presenečena, da so ponovno zamenjali sodnika - tokrat je sodil g. Franco Ferari iz Italije. V katalogu je bilo 14 borzojev. Zoya je v razredu vmesnih osvojila 1. mesto, nato pa v konkurenci z psico iz razreda zrelih še CAC. Na koncu je CACIB osvojila psica iz razreda prvakov Dober Kopp Charmos Saci, Zoya pa je osvojila R. CACIB. Pri samcih je CAC in CACIB osvojil Russkiy Azart Nektar, R.CACIB pa je osvojil Dobber Kopp Wizzard of Oz. BOB pa je več kot zaluženo pripadel mlademu samcu iz razreda mladih Russkiy Azart Optimist Premier Maksimum, lastnice in vzrediteljica Marie Lazareve iz Italije. Čestitke :-)

ENG: Yesterday We visit Milano - traditional January Show, which was this year for the first time at new place - fantastic new Fiera Milano show ground. This was double CACIB Show. As usuall - not suprising for me - another judge change - this time borzois were judged by Franco Ferari from Italy. It was 14 borzois in catalogue. Zoya was in intermediate class - placed as 1st. She went for CAC title with 1st female from open class - and she got it :-) At the end CACIB went to champion bitch Dober Kopp Charmos Saci, Zoya gor R.CACIB. CAC and CACIB title with males got Russky Azart Nektar, while R.CACIB went to Dobber Kopp Wizzard of Oz. BOB went to fantastic young male from young class RusskiyAzart Optimist Premier Maksimum, beeder and owner Maria Lazareva, from Italy. Congratulation :-)

19. januar 2010

Zenos BOB & Zoya BOS - 16.special show The Slovenian Club for Sighthounds

left: Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. right Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. - BOB

Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. - BOB 16th Special Sighthound Show - The Slovenian Club for Sighthounds
owned: Blanka & Ivan Hrženjak, handled by Vida Klenovšek - foto Erik Lutman

Ninochka's Vihra - CAC

Best female competition

SLO: V soboto je potekala že 16. specialna razstava Slovenskega kluba za hrte, kjer je bilo v katalogu 112 hrtov od tega 9 borzojev. Borzoje je ocenjeval g.Štefan Šinko in Slovenije, kjer je Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. osvojil CAC in BOB, njegova sestra Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. pa CAC in BOS !

Čestitke družini Hrženjak in Vidi, za odličnen nastop! V razredu prvakov je bila razstavljena tudi Ninochka's Vihra in osvojila naslov CAC. Hvala nečakinji Sari, za pomoč :-)

ENG: On Saturday, January 16th, 16th Special Sighthound show from The Sighthound Club of Slovenia was held in Ljubljana. It was 112 Sighthounds in the ring- 9 borzois. Borzois were judged by Mr. Štefan Šinko from Slovenia, and BOB went to Ninochka's Zenos by H.R.I.B. - while BOS went to his sister Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. ! Congratulation to family Hrženjak and Vida for exellent presentation ! Ninochka's Vihra was showed in Champion class - she got CAC. Also thanks to my niece Sara for helping me :-)

18. januar 2010


photo: Annie Rogiers
left: Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. CAC, CACIB, BOS

right: Ischyma Hitan Rayen CAC,CACIB,BOB

female CACIB competition

photo credit: Annie Rogiers

CACIB Ljubljana 16.10.2010 sodnik/judge: Fernando Medeira Rodrigues, Portugal

Full results on European Borzoi

10. januar 2010

6. januar 2010

A TRIBUTE to "Saiga" Ch Ninochka's Strelka

Ch Ninochka's Strelka ( Ch Fjodor von Schloss Olef & Marizela of Ninochka's )

29.4.1996 - 6.1.2010

owned, spoiled and loved by Sonja

Saiga - hvala !

Show WEEKEND Zagreb 2024 : 2 x Hrvaški prvak v lepoti // 2 NEW Croatian Beauty Champions!

                                                                       We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...