24. julij 2009

Harry is gone... Harija ni več...

SLO: Ne morem misliti, ne morem govoriti.... Včeraj je bil vroč, soparen in naporen dan.... in Hari je preprosto zaspal.... moj prijatelj skoraj 12 let... čeprav veš, da bo nekoč prišel trenutek slovesa, je vedno znova tako težko ! Sedaj počiva na njegovem najljubšem mestu v senci dreves ob potoku, kjer smo skupaj hodili na sprehode, s pogledom na dom...... Hari je Doma.

ENG: I can not think or talk.... Yesterday was a terrible hot day... and my Harry just slept... he was my friend for almost 12 years... it doesn't matter even if you know, that moment of goodbye will came soon or a later - it is always so hard! He is resting now in his favourite place in a shadows of trees by the creak, where we went for a daily walks , and he is looking at home.... Harry is at Home.

17. julij 2009

Saeta Equina - Lipicanska barokna razkoš - Ljubljana 20.6.2009

SLO: V mesecu juniju je v Ljubljani potekal 1.mednarodni konjeniški festival Saeta Equina, v sklopu katerega je bil v soboto tudi lipicanski večer. Glavna zvezda tega večera je bil Lorenzo - leteči francoz s svojimi lipicanci. Nastopila pa je tudi hrvaška skupina z zgodbo lipicanska barokna razkoš iz kobilarne Džakovo - spremljevalne zvezde programa pa so bili borzoji iz psarn Wolkowo, PAllida in Ninochka's. Kako smo se zabavali skozi večer, si lahko ogledate na fotografijah, ki jih je poslal Tomislav Klemenčič ( HVALA ), in povem vam - toliko smeha na kupu pa že dolgo ne ! Hvala vsem za več kot prijeten in nepozaben večer !

ENG: 1st international horse festival Saeta Equina was held in June in Ljubljana. Part of this festival was also Lipizzaner evening, where the mail star was Lorenzo - the flying Frenchman. Also Group from Croatian Džakovo horse stable was part on this evevning , with baroque story. Stars of this show were also borzois from kennels Wolkowo, Pallida & Ninochka's. We REALLY had a fun, fantastic evening - how we enjoyed you can see on photos from Tomislav Klemenčič ( THANK YOU )! Thank you all for very nice & fun evening !

14. julij 2009


Girl 1

Boy 2

boy 3

boy 4

boy 5

Girl 2

Girl 3

SLO: Prijateljica Susi nam je iz Švedske poslala slikice korenjakov pri starosti 5 tednov. Moj najlubši ? " Mali Fiddler" , ki izgleda kot mala kopija svojega starega očeta Ch Teine Fiddler at Tarasov. Več si lahko preberete in pogledate na spletni strani psarne Tarasov. Susi - fantastični so !

ENG: From my friend Susi we recieved some beautifull photos of Guys & Girls at age of 5 weeks. My favourite ? " Little Fiddler " who looks as a copy of his grand Father Ch Teine Fiddler at Tarasov. More about puppies you can read at Tarasov's home page. Susi - they look fantastic !

10. julij 2009


Duck family having nice evening....

One of my favourites - blue Hortensia...

Bled's island with church


Today is a last day of my 14 days Summer School in Bled. Yesterday evening we had walk around the lake, tasting vines in vine celar and having a wonderfull evening without rain :-)

The last 14 days were extremly interesting, we learned so much and got new friends from France, Germany, Albania, Russia, Korea, Japan, Poland, Italy, Austria,......

On photos you can see how Bled looks last night. When friends from abroad visit me in Slovenia - we always took chance to visit Bled and taste magnicifant kemsnita :-)

So - if you are in Slovenia , Bled is a MUST to visit.

Today afternoon we are going to seaside, to pick up Anže ( I really miss hime :-)) , I hope he will be willing to go home :-)) On Monday - back to normal life. Have a nice weekend !

5. julij 2009

Ponovno Zoya - Zoya did it Again !

SLO: Sobotni dan smo preživeli na severo - vzhodnem delu Slovenije, natančneje na mednarodni CACIB razstavi v Lendavi. Dan se je pričel VROČE - končal pa se je z sivimi oblaki in dežjem. Dež pa ni zmotil veselja, saj je Zoya, razstavljena prvič v razredu vmesnih, pri sodnici Liliane de Ridder - Onghena iz Belgije osvojila naslove CAC, CACIB , BOB in se uvrstila na 3. mesto v grupi ! To je že četrti zaporedni BOB naslov Zoye in četrta zaporedna uvrstitev na stopničke X Fci skupine! Ni potrebno posebej poudariti, da smo nanjo ZELO ponosni !

ENG: Saturday we visit Slovenian South East part - where international CACIB show Lendava took place. Day started extremly HOT, but it ended with grey sky and rain. But bad weather coulnd't took away our joy and pride, becouse Zoya - she was showed firts time in intemediate class - under judge Liliane de Ridder - Onghena from Belgium, achived CAC, CACIB, BOB and BOG 3 ! This is Zoya's 4th BOB in a role, and also 4th placing in X FCI Group in a role ! What cen we say - we a SOOO Proud on her !

rezultati / results: CACIB LENDAVA 4.7.2009

left: Rothesby Sholwood Miracle - right: Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B.

Sodnik/ Judge : Liliane de Ridder - Onghena, B

Borzoi Males:

Ch Rothesby Sholwood Miracle owner: kennel Wolkowo CAC, CACIB, BOS
Ch Marat Balšaja Achota - owner Šir Dušan - Absent

Borzoi Femeles:

junior class:

Ex1 Galatnaja Galka Wolkowo owner : kennel Wolkowo

intermediate class:

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. - owner: Andreja Novak, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOG 3

open class:
Ex 1 Fitjulnaja Frajuna Wolkowo - owner: kennel Wolkowo & Vidmar

champion class:

CAC, R.CACIB Apassionata Nijinski Ballet, owner: Edith Titze

Poletne počitnice - Summer Holidays

SLO: Poletje je v polnem razmahu in tako smo Anžeta poslali na počitnice k dedku in babici. Da so počitnice lahko ZELOO naporne, lahko vidite na filmčku, ki smo ga posneli ob odhodu s plaže :-)

ENG: High Summer season and Anže went to enjoy it at seaside with gradparents. But summer holidays can be VERY hard - you can see it on film, which was taken when we were leaving the beach :-)

4. julij 2009


On Thursday Evening we had contert in our School - band named PERPETUUM JAZZILE. And Who they are ? The stage is their canvas, their voices their colours. They Blend and unite them to create a masterpieces. Happy faces give them energyand confirm that they are devoted to what they do with their hearts and souls.

It's a MUST to hear them. Listen her their hit AFRICA on You Tube - in a few weeks over MILION views !

2. julij 2009


We never stop learning :-))

This year I am in Bled for 14 days, at Course in IEDC Bled School for Management. It is very interseting - with a partipicant from all over the World.

Yesterday we had an unique chance to have a guest lecture Mr. Miha Pogačnik - connections between Art & Leadership.

Miha Pogačnik, classical concert violinist and cultural ambassadorof Slovenia, and one of the top speakers .

AMAZING !! If You wil ever have chance to visit this lecture - HIGHLY RECOMENDED !

POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...