28. marec 2023

BANJA LUKA ( BIH ) SHOWS: 25 - 26.3. 2023


                                  Banja Luka Dog Show 2023: CAC1, CACIB1, CAC2 & CACIB2.

    Ch Ninochka's Dvornaja Dama  
  je sedaj tudi:

  • mednarodni prvak v lepoti
  • prvak Bosne v lepoti
  • Grand prvak Bosne v lepoti
  • prvak Republike Srbske

Več kot odlično prijeten in okusen vikend !
:-) :-) :-)
                                       Banja Luka Dog Show 2023: CAC1, CACIB1, CAC2 & CACIB2.

                                                             Ch Ninochka's Dvornaja Dama  

                                     A successful weekend in Banja Luka ( BIH ) where Dama became:
  •   International Beauty Champion 
  •   Bosnian Beauty Champion 
  • Bosnian Grand champion 
  • Republika Srbska champion 
    Thanks to all the judges ( Denis Kuzelj / SLO; Nikola Smolić / CRO; Tatjana Urek / SLO and Gerald Jipping / NL ) for their evaluations and CONGRATULATIONS to the organizers for a perfectly prepared exhibition with large exhibition rings and friendly staff !
                                                 Photos: @Ivan Tavčar - thank you !
                     The great company by the ring  was the cherry on the cake despite all the successes.
                                 Thank you my supporting team Urška & Boys  :-D 


POSODABLJAMO SPLETNO STRAN - We are updating the website

SLO: Dragi prijatelji, našo spletno stran posodabljamo, ker nas je čas malo povozil😃 Verjamem, da bom s pomočjo prijateljev kmalu postavil...