17. april 2022



SLO: Delovni  vikend za Ninochka's ekipo!
Najprej smo zjutraj odšli na razstavo v Maribor z Damo in Dinom, za katerega ke skrbel Anže . 
Lep sončen dan nam je prinesel odlične rezultate: Dino & Anže sta osvojila nsalove CAC in CACIB ter BOS. S tem je Dino osvojil vse pogoje za Slovenskega prvaka v lepoti - čestitke !!
Dama je osvojila CA,CACIB in BOB. Sodnica pa je bila Alenka Černe Sedej, Slovenija.
NA žalost smo se morali vrniti domov še pred zaključnim defilejem - hvala Blayo za fotke !
Urška in Gyurika sta na treningu coursinga skušala pridobiti tekmovalno licenc Ampak račun brez krčmarja - je Gyurika določil, da se je bolj fino igrati s prijatelji in mamo Urško na polju, kot loviti plastičnega zajca !

Velika hvala dragi 2 & 4 nožniki za čudovit dan ! V nedeljo počivamo. In jemo. Vesele velikonočne praznike vsem !

ENG: Busy Saturday for team Ninochka's!
First we went to the show in Maribor with Dama and Dino, for which Anže was in charge .The show in Maribor was on a sunny day, we achieved an excellent result with judge Alenka Černe Sedej, Slovenija. Dino and Anže won the CAC and CACIB and BOS titles. With this, Dino won the conditions and became the Slovenian Champion in beauty. Dama won the CAC, CACIB and BOB titles Unfortunately we had to return home before the final parade .Thank you Blayo for memorial photos.
Urška and Gyurika went to coursing training, where Gyurika tried to get a coursing license. But a party without precedent, Gyurika did not agree with this: it is irrelevant to hunt a plastic rabbit .It is much more fun to hunt with friends on the field and persuade mother Urška to have fun with him .Anyway - where is Gyuri, fun is guaranteed.
BIG THANK YOU my dear 2 and 4 legs for a great day .We rest on Sunday. And we eat. Happy Easter holidays !


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