18. avgust 2009

Saturday August 8th - Special EuroSighthound Show; judge: Olga Kosareva, Russia

BOS - EuroSighthound Winner 2009 Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. & BOB EuroSighthound Winner 2009 Zarathsutra Nijinski BAllet
Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B.

Zoya on the move

Fenomenalnij Fars Wolkowo - exc. 2 - R.CAC

Having fun !

In BIS ring - EuroSighthound Winners 2009

SLO: V Mojmirovice smo Z Vido in Zoyo prispele v petek zvečer - več kot utrujene po dolgi vožnji, ki se je vlekla v nedogled zaradi številnih avtomobilskih nesreč. Pred nama so na mesto razstave že prispeli Sonja, Nataša in Davor, ki so že uživali v hladu parka. Utrujenost je bila prevelika, zato smo se kmalu odpravili spat.

V soboto zjutraj smo se mamestili poleg razstavnega kroga borzojev, ki smo jih v katalogu našteli kar 80 ! Na žalost jih je na sami razstavi nekaj manjkalo, vendar je bila to še vedno zelo lepa številka. Prvi je v razstavni krog stopil Fenomenalnij Fars Wolkowo in dosegel odlično 2.mesto v razredu zrelih. Naslov najlepšega samca je osvojil Zarathustra Nijinski Ballet - lastnice in vzrediteljice Lenke Burianove.

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. je nastopila v razredu vmesnih ( stara 16 mesecev ) in osvojila 1.mesto. Veselje se še ni čisto poleglo, ko se je pričel izbor najlepše psice in Zoya je ponovno osvojila 1.mesto in postala EuroSighthound Winner 2009 ! Na koncu jo je sodnica izbrala kot Best of Opposite Sex - BOB pa je postal samec Zarathustra Nijinski Ballet.

Po končanem ocenjevanju smo se prepustili klepetu s prijatelji in seveda, nazdravili uspehom prvega dne z odličnim vinom, pridelanim na posestvu Mojmirovice.

Popolne rezultate razstave si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.

Galerijo fotografij, ki jih je posnela Vida Klenovšek pa si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.


ENG: We arrived in Mojmirovice on Friday evening - quite tired becouse of all stops on the way ( mostly becouse of a lot car accidents ). Sonja, Nataša and Davor were already enjoying the evening in Mojmirovice park - but we soon went for sleep.

Saturday morning we choose the place beside the borzoi ring - and it was 80 borzois in catalogue. Later few of them were missing, but it was still vaery nice number for the judge Olga Kosareva from Russia. Fenimnelny Fars Wolkowo entered the ring first and he was exellent second in open class. Best male become Zarathustra Nijinski Ballet- breeder & owner Lenka Burianova.

Ninochka's Zoya by H.R.I.B. was showed in intermediate class ( at age of 16 months ) - and she was placed on 1st place ! I was still so happy, but we need to go back for Best Bitch - and Zoya was 1st again ! She became Best Bitch and EuroSighthound Winner 2009 ! Latter she was places as BOS - BOB was male Zarathsutra Nijinski Ballet.

After the show we enjoyed talking with frinds and ofcourse it was time to celebrate our excellent results with excellet vine from Mojmirovice!

Results from EuroSighthound Show you can see HERE.

More photos from event You can see HERE - done by Vida Klenovšek, Petiit Pethaus.

1 komentar:

Stef pravi ...

Congrats, great result!

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