13. junij 2023

We are 3 days old !

 Well - 3 days old. Already bigger. And sooo hungry. Me and Dama are doing our best to feed those little hungry creatures 🥰😍🥰 Day & night both to short, no time even to do some photos 🙈🙈🙈 But we are here , live & kicking 🥰🥰🥰 Kisses from Lucky 🍀 13 🥰😍🥰❤️ now it’s my time to take a nap, too 😉  

10. junij 2023


 SLO:  Vsi zelo utrujeni, vendar zeli veseli! Po dveh dolgih dneh in še daljši noči vam z veseljem sporočamo, da je Dama 10.6. postala mama 13 mladičkom! 7 fantov in 6 deklet bo okupiralo naše življenje v naslednjih mesecih 🙂 Hvala vsem, ki ste bili z nami, posebej Urška Škrapin seveda odlična ekipa na Univerzitetni veterinarski kliniki v Ljubljani. Pošiljamo poljubčke očku Gavarju in Marij Tuip na Nizozemsko. Pripravite se na puppy spam 🥰

ENG: Everyone very tired, but very happy! After two long days and an even longer night, we are happy to inform you that Dama 10.6. became a mother of 13 puppies! 7 boys and 6 girls will occupy our lives in the coming months 🙂 Thank you to everyone who was with us, especially Urška and of course the excellent team at the University Veterinary Clinic in Ljubljana. We send kisses to dad Gavar and Marij in the Netherlands. Get ready for puppy spam 🥰

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