28. februar 2023

DOUBLE CACIB RIJEKA ( HR ) : 25 & 26.2.2023

SLO: Vikend na Reki je bil vremensko katastrofalen, razstavno pa zelo uspešen. Ninochka's Dvornaja Dama je oba dneva osvojila naslova CAC, CACIB & BOB. Sodnika: g.Željko GAjić, Slovenija in g. Ferdinando Asnaghi (ITALIJA ). Hvala Dori za fotografije in prijateljem za odlično družbo !


ENG: The weekend in Rijeka was disastrous in terms of weather, but very successful in terms of exhibition. Ninochka's Dvornaja Dama won the CAC, CACIB & BOB titles on both days. Judges: Mr. Željko GAjić, Slovenia and Mr. Ferdinando Asnaghi (ITALY). Thanks to Dora for the photos and to my friends for the great company!



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                                                                       We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...