SLO: Norveška je vedno nekaj posebnega.... Tudi v juliju, ko je samo 17 stopinj in sodiš deževni coursing :D
ENG: Norway is always something special... Even in July, when it's only 17 degrees and you judge rainy coursing :D
*Andreja NOVAK, Podkogelj 4, 1315 Velike Lašče, SLOVENIJA,* WWW.HISKAMISKA.TOP borzoj,ruski hrt, borzoj, barzaia, borzoi, levriero russo, russisher windhund
SLO: Norveška je vedno nekaj posebnega.... Tudi v juliju, ko je samo 17 stopinj in sodiš deževni coursing :D
ENG: Norway is always something special... Even in July, when it's only 17 degrees and you judge rainy coursing :D
We have had an extremely successful extended weekend spent at shows ...